Addalyn Maxwell-Interview

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I stared into a mirror at an unfamiliar face that stared back. Her long, dark hair was now in a loose updo with small curls falling around the front of her face, tickling her cheeks. Her pale skin was contoured and highlighted to make her face seem bright and confident.

Her eyes. Oh, did they sparkle. Her warm, chocolate brown eyes were surrounded by black eyeshadow and winged eyeliner, making her look elegantly fierce.

The dress was even better. She was wearing a black dress that was short in the front and long in the back with ruffles. The top of the dress was dazzling with diamonds and jewels and slowly faded out of the dress into small sequins at the bottom.

Silver heels were paired with it. This beautiful, young girl in the mirror now looked like a gorgeous woman. Maybe even a princess.

And that young girl was me.

I was actually confident in what i was wearing. It made me feel tough and fierce, like I could do anything. My stylist, Jenna, was a genius.

"Addalyn! It starts in two minutes!" I hear Jenna yell to me from my dressing room. I stop admiring myself in the mirror and go stand in line with the other tributes. Some of them look stunning, others look like they've already been through the Hunger Games and somehow survived.

I cheer and encourage the members in my alliance. They seem prepared and ready to take action, so we should do well in the Games. I hope at least one of us survives.

When they call my name, I'm not even nervous. I can handle this. Completely. I have the confidence of everyone in the audience combined.

I walk out onto the stage, waving and smiling, and actually being content.

I take a seat next to Caesar.

"So, Addalyn, are you prepared for the Games?"

"Of course!" I flash a smile,"I'm very prepared. I'm confident in what I can do, and with the help of my alliance members I'm sure I will do well."

He nods.

"Do you get along well with the other alliance members?"

"Yes! They are all very friendly and are smart, too. It's a good thing I do like them. They don't want to make me angry!" I joke, smiling to make sure everyone understood. It actually made Caesar laugh, which made the audience laugh too.

Casear is looking at me closely.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I ask, looking concerned.

"No, no! I was just thinking."

"Thinking what? You can't just leave me hanging!" I giggle.

"You just have a certain glow about you. Your confidence and beauty will help you go far in the Games."

"Thank you very much, Caesar."

"It has been a pleasure getting to know you, Addalyn Maxwell. We wish you all the very best in your Games. May the odds be ever in your favor!" He stands up and takes my hand, raising it in the air with his.

I beam at the crowd. The are all cheering.

Having confidence actually paid off. I think they might actually like me, too.

I just have to keep this confidence for the Games.

I can do it. I know I can.

My confidence is overflowing, and I hope I can share it with my alliance.

Then maybe, just maybe, one of us will have the chance to be victorious. The victor.

And I hope it's me.

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