World Tour?

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[Chapter 8 - World Tour?]

It's been a few months since I was in the hospital. And ever since I told the others, that the orphanage kicked me out, I've been more or less living at Sabrina's house.

There were nights where I slept at Anthony's, Jonny's or James' house, but yet mostly at Sabrina's. We told her parents about my situation and they took it well.

It was a huge weight fall off of my shoulders, being accepted.

They took me in as one of their own, made me breakfast, worried about me and made me believe it was okay, not to be okay.

It wasn't just her family, it was mostly her. Sabrina and I have gotten a lot closer ever since she found out and I have been living with her.

We were able to talk openly about everything. And it made me a lot happier.

I've gotten even closer to Anthony too, mostly because we've been hanging out a lot more since I was staying at Sabrina's house.

I was still working at the small disgusting diner on the highway. Yes, there were still a lot weird, disgusting and really scary people but I was able to manage.

I've gotten quiet fond of the job ever since the newbie started workig there. She was a nice old lady, managing our money and all that kind of stuff.

We've been talking over everything and she was really wise. It was always great going to her. We could talk about everything, she listend without judging.

But what I loved most about her, were her stories. She experienced so much, going on adventures. She did what she wanted to and where her heart leaded her to.

I was currently at work, hiding on the toilet so I wouldn't have to deal with rude people.

I was leaning against the dirty sinks, the pinafore between, not wanting to touch it with my pants. It was absolutely disgusting to me.

The door opened and I fastly hid my phone in my pants, in a speed that I didn't even know I was able to do.

"Hiding on the toilets again?" Melissa croacked out a chuckle while walking inside.

"You know me too well, Mel. I don't think it's a good thing" I laughed.

"Oh c'mon Abigail, I used to do that all the time. I notice other people doing it the second I walk inside." She laughed, still standing in front of me.

"You're doing the same right now, aren't you?"

"Exactly" she chuckled dryly. "Also James is on the line for you."

"Thank you Mel" I smiled at her. "Have fun hiding"

So I walked out of there, immediately getting mobbed with things I had to do. But I declined every single one of them and went to Mel's phone.

"James?" I asked into the phone, looking at the ridiculous stuff Mel actually has to do.

"Abbs, you gotta help me" he rushed out with panic in his voice. I sat up straight in second, alarm clocks ringing.

"What? What's wrong, James?" I asked him frightened. Who knows what could have happened to him.

"Look, these management people just called me in for no reason. I didn't do anything against the contract, I don't know what they're calling me in for and I'm just really scared right now, Abbs" he rambled out in one go.

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