"I-it's going... to be... okay." My voice was barely a whisper.

Shaking his head, Vincent turned to Vladimir who had just joined us. "Heal her."

The boy gave his brother a look that was full of remorse. As much as Vincent had so much faith in Vlad's ability, I doubted any kind of healing could help me now. Vladimir could only heal the body. My body was perfectly fine. It was my soul that was beyond saving.

Vlad and I both knew that.

"I... don't think I can help her," Vlad answered, looking down.

"Try!" Vincent grabbed Vlad's shoulder and shook. "Come on, Vlad. I... I'll do anything you tell me. I swear I'd never disobey you ever again! J-just save her! Please..."

I gave Vincent's hand a squeeze, making an effort to shake my head.

"No!" he yelled. "No..."

Just then, spasms rolled althroughout my body in waves. My spine arched involuntarily, my fingers clenching tight. I could feel Legion slowly take over my body one fiber at a time. If it wasn't for Adrianna's soul acting as the inner cage that kept the tainted souls locked inside me, I was sure Legion would have already won by now.

"B-belial," I called. "Do it..."

Without hesitation, Belial took my hand.

Vincent caught her arm before she could start the ritual. "What exactly are you gonna do?"

Belial removed Vincent's hand from her arm and proceded as if nothing had happened.

"An Offering," she answered. "Aramis here is going to use her sister's soul as an Offering to Eldest."

Vincent nodded in understanding. "Legion included?"

"That's the idea..."

It seemed like Belial wanted to say something else, but she trailed into silent.

"But?" Vincent pressed on. "There's always a but when it comes to these... stuff, right?"

No one seemed to be willing to answer his question. Even Alex who almost always knew the answer to everything. So I was guessing, the answer wasn't good, whatever it was.

Belial let out one of her long trademark sighs. "Legion needs a host--a body to be able to do whatever it came here to do. Its power is keepin' Aramis' soul intact, patchin' cracks, maskin' the damage. Now, I ain't sure how much damage we're talkin' 'bout here. But if we remove Legion from her..."

I had already guessed the answer to that. I knew since the moment I made the decision to make another Offering and I made peace with that fate. Somehow, I wasn't as scared as I thought I would be.

Vincent drew a deept breath, eyes focused on me. "And if we don't?"

"It'll consume her. Aramis will be no more. Apocalypse begins again."

I saw Vincent curl his fingers until his nails dug onto the palms of his hands. It was obvious how hard it was for him to choose. But it wasn't his decision to make.

"D-do it," I told Belial. "Please..."

"There must be some other way..." he mumbled miserably.

Managing a small smile, I said, "Always the optimist..."

"I can't just let you go..."

It broke my heart into a thousand little pieces just hearing the misery in his voice. Right then, I knew my greatest regret in life would be hurting him even if I wasn't here anymore.

Reapers - Master of Souls (Reapers Chronicles Book III)Where stories live. Discover now