Not again..

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Shadow Pov:

I was following sonic walking in a fast pace "Talk to me Blue one! I demand it!" I yelled at Sonic since he's been ignoring my every word I throw at him he then turned to me and glares.
"Why?! After what you have done to me! And Start saying my name!" Sonic yelled at me ,my hands grew into fist as I snarl showing my fangs
"How dare you speak to me in that tone?! I might as well chain you up in that room!!" I yelled back
"Wha- your the one following me! And won't let me be!" Sonic yelled.
I punched Sonic into a wall hard but not so much to break anything or knock him out.
"You started flipping out for some odd reason and you need to calm dow-" I was suddenly punched by a powerful force as I slid back staying on my feet.
A beam of light shun through the window of the wide halls of the castle my eyes widen and realize that it's a full moon.

I slowly looked over at sonic who looked to be in pain as he was transforming I slowly backed away watching him as I noticed that he was rather grumpy all day which isn't normal "I should have payed more attention.." I growled at myself as I saw sonic fully transformed in his form.

No Pov:

Sonic growled at shadow his eyes in pure anger shadow grabbed some rope hanging on the wall by a rusty hook. Sonic charged at shadow biting his arm shadow grunted and punched sonic in the face making him let go. Shadow griped the rope making a wide smirk and anger filled his red eyes "you will obey!!" Shadow lunged himself at sonic punching him shadow went to punch him again only for sonic to grab his arm and dig his sharp claws in.

"Is that all you got nut!" Shadow pulled his arm away then wrapped the rope around Sonic's throat I then pull rad making sonic focus on the rope around his neck. Shadow tied Sonic's legs and arms together with chains sonic was on the ground struggling and growling at me "I have more brains than you mut.."
Shadow smirked in delight at his work of tying sonic up. Sonic panted and struggled as Shadow smirked
"Still trying? It's been ten minutes " shadow said with a dark tone while having a smirk. Sonic snarled and snaps at Shadow but shadow only chuckled at the sight.
"How pathetic.. but you do kinda look sexy like this" shadow smirked.
Sonic panted then made a faint blush at Shadow but still keeping a glare.

Shadow tugged at the rope around Sonic's neck teasing him making sonic growl or snap at him.
"How amusing~ your also cute wen mad" Shadow chuckled to himself silently then sat in a char watching the struggling hedgehog all night with amusement until the beast passed out having struggled all night long. Sonic turned to his old self passed out and his quills sloppy Shadow untied Sonic's limp body and went to his room laying down Sonic in his cozy bed.

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