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Dear Love,

    Losing you was a story in itself, but it wasn't beautiful. It wasn't like the day you forced us to meet, and he came crashing into me (quite literally). I looked into his eyes, and knew my whole world was going to fall apart immediately. But for some reason it didn't happen quite the way I thought it would.

    I let my guard down and let you consume me. You had ignited a fire in my soul that I never knew even existed. You somehow had me on my toes the whole time never quite failing to surprise me. Not when he would wrap his arms around my waist, or when he called me the most beautiful girl in the world while someone ten times as pretty walked by. Or when he'd somehow cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach just by telling me a joke.

    You never failed to excite me when He'd ask me to 'sleep over' because I knew he meant exactly that. Sleeping together in the most innocent way possible. Him and I molded together so perfectly like two jigsaw puzzle pieces that were meant to be together. It meant that I'd wake up with him still beside me. His mouth slightly open, and his long eyelashes kissing his cheeks. It meant that he wouldn't let me go, but instead tighten his grip around my waist when I'd try to leave in the in the morning. Almost like an alarm went off in his head telling him to hold on for dear life or they'll... No, he'd lose what had been completing him, but it never woke him up.

    Somehow, it almost seemed that between the confused look on his face and tight grip on my waist, that maybe you had arrived for him too.

    Love, you never failed to make me laugh. Not when he'd slip on ice during the Winter, and how he talked about how much he hated the cold. Or when we were at a party, the way his face would contort into obvious discomfort. You never failed to make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. When everything was going wrong and seemed like there was no way it could possibly be fine again. With one look at his always constant smile I knew that everything was going to be quite alright.

    Until one day it wasn't.

    Until one day when everything finally fell apart and I wasn't as ready as I thought I was. Because of you I became so blinded by the words he said, that I never realized that I was slipping through the cracks of reality and falling into the arms of fantasy.

    I'm not really sure of how it all happened, but I do know that it started with a promise and ended with a lie.

    I guess you could say that three was the magic number. It was the number of months I was told I had left to live. A tumor the size of a golf ball growing on my heart. It was the number of days it took for me to tell him that a pill or any kind of medication could never fix what I have. That death would soon steal me away. Three was the number of seconds it took for him to storm out of the house in pure rage, confusion, and sadness. Promising he'd be back after he had some time to clear his head.

    But he never did come back.

    Instead, his car made a head on collision with a tree. The impact so hard that he was ripped out of the seat of his car, and thrown out of the window. The impact hard enough that his heart started almost instantly.

    It was in that moment when the police came knocking on my door, sirens blaring in the background, telling me of what had happened. What I had somehow already knew. Making me realize that cancer could never kill me, because you...

    You Love, already have.

                  ^.^ ^.^ ^.^

AU://  So I decided to kinda restart everything on my Wattpad, and kick it off with something new. I did kinda get the idea of writing the 'Letter to Love' from the mover Collateral Damage or something like that. I haven't actually seen it but I thought that the whole letter thing was cool so yeah... Please enjoy, comment, like/ rate, and  just... I don't know, join me for this ride that the story will probably be.

Also Chapters will definitely be a lot longer than this was.

Also also, that girl up there is how I see Ayami to be, her actual name is Daria Sidorchuk and she's absolutely stunning

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