Shawn and I set up our food as the way we used to. We put each of our Mac 'N Cheese in front of us separately. We place the extra plate between us and he grabs the barbecue sauce. Every time we draw something with the barbecue sauce, I guess it's his turn. Once he's done I look at the plate intently and I ask him "What is it? I have no idea." He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. He makes his monkey face and I go "Ohhh!" I laugh pretty hard and take a picture to put on Snapchat. 'Hanging with this monkey today!💫❤' We enjoy our Mac 'N Cheese and our fries dipped in barbecue sauce.

Shawn takes out his wallet and I try to grab it but he stands up and takes out $20 and quickly hands it to Nash who has the bill. "Ugh Shawn! I can pay for my own things!" He always does this. He asks me "How much money do you have left after shopping?" I pull out a $20 bill. "Use that for your candy my lady." He bows and I hug him. I whisper to him "You need to stop paying for everything." He whispers back "If it's that big of a deal you can buy candy for the both of us." I eagerly and quickly reply "Yes thank you!" We release and everyone is watching us again and Cam looks a little hurt.

We head out and over to the candy store. I get my bag full of Hot Tamales and licorice. They're so good. Mmm. And Shawn gets some sour gummy worms and sour patch kids. I already know we'll be sneaking pieces out of each other's bags later. I overhear Taylor trying to hit on a girl with the typical "This candy isn't as sweet as you." Or something along those lines. And I hear her snort and say "You wish." And she pays and leaves.

I go up to the register and yell out Shawn's name. "Come up here you doof!" He laughs and jogs up to the register and hands the bags of candy (his and mine) to the lady. "That'll be $18.76." I hand her the twenty and Shawn and I go and wait by the door. Everyone else goes up to the register and pays. We all bunch up into the Jeeps in the same spots we were before. I'm totally pooped from today. Shawn leans over and lays his head on my shoulder and I lean on his head and fall asleep.

When I wake up we're back at the hotel and someone has just taken a picture with the flash on. I sit up abruptly and say "Who took that picture?" Nash yells "Me and you can't stop me from posting it!" "You suck Nash!" I'm completely awake now and I check Snapchat. Of course. There's a picture of Shawn and I sleeping with his hand on my thigh and the caption is 'Just date already!' Maybe.

I wake Shawn up and we head inside the hotel with everyone. I decide to let him find out about the picture on his own. We all decide to come to our room. We knock on the Jacks room and say that we're going into room 308. Shawn and I jump onto our bed and I look at the clock, 8:04. "Alright people! Listen up! We're going to watch Lady and the Tramp and no complaining or I will kick your sorry asses to Jupiter! Disney is bomb!" I hear a few 'Yays' and nothing from the other people. I pop in the movie and crawl back up towards Shawn.

Halfway through the movie Shawn gets up and takes Nash and Mahogany outside the room with him. I take this advantage to steal some of his candy and lean back. They come back after 15 minutes like nothing happened. Shawn comes back and lays down next to me and nuzzles his head on my shoulder. He groans quietly. "Ugh I don't want to do my dare Ave." He whines in a whispered tone. He's so close to my ear I feel his breath. "Shawn everyone else did theirs, I know yours is awkward." I pause and very quietly laugh. I continue whispering, "But you have to."

"I know. I'm just going to jump in and jump out. I smile and he kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep. You don't want to miss my huge dare." He grins and I smile back. He wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep against his chest.


I wake up to Nash shaking me. "Wake up wake up! Shawn's about to do his dare! He didn't want you to see him do it but I can't wait for you to watch him embarrass himself!" I smile and hop up. I put on my flip flops and head down with Nash. We arrive at the pool and Shawn has a towel wrapped around him. He looks at me with sorry eyes. And turns around, drops the towel, and he quickly jumps in. I hop the fence and run to grab his towel while silently laughing. He's going to get sick oh my gosh. He raises his head out of the water. I turn my head away and hand him the towel.

"Thanks Ave." He says. "No problem. I'm going to run up and get everything set up for you." I say running up to the room after hopping the fence. Everyone is heading back up to their own rooms to get some sleep for tomorrow. Nash and Hayes are up in their bed falling asleep. I grab his flannel pajamas lay them out on our bed and quickly go down the stairs to the lobby and make a cup of hot chocolate for him.

I get in the elevator and press floor three. I knock on the door to our room and a fully dressed Shawn answers. I smile and hand him the hot chocolate. He looks confused and smiles. "Ave, I can't help myself anymore. You're the most beautiful, helpful, and kind hearted person I know. I've liked you for so long and I can't keep it in anymore." He drops the hot chocolate and pushes his lips against mine. I'm startled and I kiss him back. Our lips press together. "Shit, I love you. And I know you might not feel the same, but I can't stand not asking you this ever. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Will you be my girlfriend? Those words keep replaying in my head. I've always felt something for Shawn. He is definitely for me. "Of course Shawn! I've always had a special place for you. I love you so much." I slam my lips against his and he smiles into the kiss making me smile as well. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Ava Klase, you've made my night. I love you too." He lays me down on the bed and I quickly crawl under the covers. He takes his shirt off and crawls under as well. He pulls me closer and wraps his arm around me and whispers in my ear "Good night Klase." He kisses my ear and I reply, "Good night Mendes."


A/N: That was really long jeez. 2000+ words! Hope you liked it because I smiled a lot while writing it. I also saw Shawn perform live last night and he sang A Little Too Much without a Mic and he hasn't done that since Handwritten. I honestly feel so special and content. I'm so happy now. Anyways continue. Thanks for 150+ reads!
Instagram: @dolanzeal

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