Chapter Nine

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  I wanted Scooter to drop me off a block away from my house so I could walk home. Bad idea. I quickly sneaked into my house through a back window which led to the basement.

  Once I got inside, I ran up two flights of stairs to my bedroom and turned on my Tv. When I went to a news channel, the first thing I saw was the media frenzy that was happening outside my house right now.

  "Neither Justin Bieber nor his family are here at his house right now. When they come back, we will get information about the adoption from Justin's mother," one newscaster said.

  No they won't! They can't get information that my mom won't give them. I flipped the channel.

  "Seems to me like Pattie is a bad mother for keeping one child and giving up the other. Justin Bieber said in a previous interview that she didn't have the money to keep both children, but, is that the real reason?" another newscaster said.

  She is a great mom! Who do they think they are saying things like this? I changed the channel yet again.

  "Tweets are pouring in from people who just found out about Justin's long lost little sister. One says: who does Pattie think she is? Keeping one child and giving up the next? What a horrible thing to do!" yet another newscaster stated causing me to boil.

  I turned off the Tv and stormed downstairs. Saying mean things about me was one thing, but saying mean things about my family, was another. They weren't going to know what hit them.

  I walked outside the front door and into a swarm of paparazzi. "Justin! Justin! Over here!" They started to crowd around me and shove their microphones in my face. "Is there anything you would like to say about your sister?"

  "My sister, Tori, is beautiful, sweet, and I couldn't ask for anyone better. As for my mom, she all of that times ten! And you people who say she's horrible, mean, and a liar, well you are just sick!" I yelled and walked angrily back into the house and slammed the door. That should shut them up about my family for awhile. If I get bad publicity for defending my mom and my sister, I don't care! I was doing the right thing. Nobody, and I mean nobody, messes with my family and gets away with it.

  About an hour later, I saw my mom and Tori walk in through all the paparazzi. They were holding microphones up to my mom and Tori and yelling questions in their ears. You could see fear in Tori's eyes, too. I couldn't stand this, I ran outside yet again.

  "Get away from them! Can't you see you're scaring her to death! If you want me to talk to you, fine. But shouting questions in people's ears, crowding them, and making them uncomfortable is not a good way to make them want to answer anything! Get away from my mom and sister! You make me sick!" This got their attention off of Tori and my mom and onto me long enough for them to get inside safely. I followed them and slammed the door in the news peoples face's leaving them awestruck.

  "Justin? What were you thinking?" my mom basically yelled as soon as were we inside.

  "I was thinking that I was keeping you and Tori safe! You should've seen what they were saying about you, Mom! I had to defend you! They were making you look like something that you're not...and not in a good way!"

  "You didn't have to go out there and yell at them! This is going to be bad for your career, Justin!"

  "If they bash me, that's one thing. If they bash my family, that's another." I pulled out my phone.

  "What are you doing?" my mom asked as she saw my phone.

  "Calling the cops," I replied as if it was a casual, everyday thing.

  "No you're not!" She exclaimed while taking my phone from my hands.

  "Why not? They're harassing us. You, me, Tori. Heck, it looks like they were about to make Tori cry!"

  "You should know better than anyone that this is the price you pay for fame Justin. And don't say I didn't say I told you so!"

  I heard a sniffle and turned to face Tori. She was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked her.

  "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in this mess. You should've just left me at the orphanage," she replied while running upstairs to her room with a tear stained face.

  "I'll be back," I said quietly. I looked at my mom and saw tears in her eyes. I couldn't even imagine having that said to me by someone I loved. Wait a second, Tori basically did say that to me. I mean if my own kid said that to me. It would sting worse than it did when Tori said it.

  I walked up to Tori's room and knocked on the door. "Hey Tori? Can I come in?" I asked.

  "No," she replied through her sobs.

  "C'mon. Please?"

  "No. Just g-go away."

  "We both know I'm not capable of that."

  "I said go away!"

  I slowly slid down against the wall beside her bedroom door so that I'd be there when she needed someone to talk to. About an hour later, she finally came out. I enveloped her in a hug as soon as she made it out of her room. "I'm so sorry about all this," I told her.

  "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things." I felt my white

t-shirt getting damp from her tears. She pulled away and wiped her eyes.

  "It's okay. We all make mistakes and get angry. C'mon. Let's go eat; you must be starving." She nodded and we walked downstairs. "Mom's making barbecued ribs. Do you like them?" I asked Tori as the aroma of the ribs made my stomach grumble.

  "I haven't tried them. But by the smell of them and the sound of your stomach rumbling, I'm guessing they'll be pretty good."

  "Oh believe me. They are."

  My mom set the platter of ribs down on the table. We each grabbed plate, silver ware, and a cup of water off the counter. She set cooked carrots and peaches on the table as well. "Dig in," my mom told us as we sat down.

  "Mom? Didn't you forget something?" I asked.

  "Oh yes! We forgot to say grace!" We joined hands, said grace, and then I started to load my plate with ribs.

  Tori took her first bite. "How is it?" I asked.

  "These are amazing! You're a great cook, Pattie!"

  "Justin would beg to differ," my mom laughed.

  "I never said you were great, but I never said you were bad, either. You're just...okay," I retorted. "Don't ground me, Mom," I laughed.

  "You've told me I'm not the best cook before, Justin."

  I heard a pounding on the window and Tori screamed. "What?" I asked totally shocked. She pointed at the window and there was a person with a camera right outside.

  "Get downstairs you two! Now!" My mom told us.

  We ran down the stairs and into the basement. "Justin, why would people do that?" Tori asked me.

  "I don't know," I replied blankly while staring at a wall. "But I do know that we need to get out of here...and fast."

  "Where would we go?"

  "I don't-" and then a light bulb went off in my head. "To L.A. Usher lives there and I have a beach house close to his. I just wonder how fast we could be out of here."

  My mom walked downstairs. As if she could read my mind she said,"I just called Usher and asked him what we should do. He said that if it was just us two, he'd want us to stay here. But, for Tori's sake, we should go to L.A. Get packing. We're leaving in three hours."

  "How long are we going to be there?" I asked.

  "A week to a week and a half."

  "Okay." Then Tori and I went upstairs to pack. And then it was off to L.A.

A/N Thank you so much for the reads! I hope you like this chapter! Vote, like, and comment please :)

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