Chapter Three

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"You''re Justin Bieber." I said pointing at him.

"Yes I am Victoria," he replied.

"Call me Tori."


"I'm Pattie, Justin's mom," Pattie said while standing up to shake my hand.

"I know. Wait was that the wrong thing to say?" Way to go Victoria. You just met them and you're already screwing things up. I thought to myself.

"No it's perfectly normal for people to know who I am because Justin wrote a book," Pattie answered.

"Are you a big fan?" Justin asked.

"I like your music. I'm not like one of those fans who says oh my gosh Justin I love you. Will you marry me? If you want that kind of fan, I can get my roommate, Katie, down here."

"I'm glad you're not a huge fan."

"Why?" I gave him a puzzled look and went to sit down in a chair opposite of Justin and Pattie.

"Tori, have you ever wondered why your last name is Bieber?" Pattie asked

"Yes, why?"

"Because." she took a deep breath. "You're Justin's little sister. I'm your mom."

"Wait what?"

"Jeremy, your's and Justin's dad, and I got divorced when you were born and Justin was three. Since I was only 19 and didn't have enough money to keep you, I had to give put you up for adoption." She started to cry. I could tell that she felt bad and was sorry. "I thought someone would've adopted you years ago. Then Justin found a scrap book that had baby pictures in it, and asked me why I was in the hospital holding a baby girl. I explained and then he went onto the orphange's website and found out that you hadn't been adopted yet. Now that I can afford to have two kids, we flew up here to adopt you."

"Wow. Is this for real?"

"I know it's a lot to take in, but do you forgive me?"

"Forgive you for what?"

"Putting you up for adoption."

"Are you kidding me. Everyone here would love to have their birth parents come back for them! Of course I forgive you!"

"Well then go get your stuff, you're coming home to Atalanta with us!"

"Okay," I started to walk out the door when Justin called me back. "Yes?"

"Give this to your friend Katie." He pulled an autographed copy of My Worlds: The Collection out of his jacket.

"She'll love this!"

"Hold on. I have to write one more thing on there." He scribbled his phone number. "Tell her to call this number if she ever wants to talk to you."

"Okay," I walked to my room beaming. When I got there I practically jumped on Katie. Guess what, guess what!"


"Okay so don't freak out."

"I'll try my best."

"Justin Bieber and his mom, Pattie, were down there! I explained everything to her. "And they want to adopt me!"

"You're joking, right?!"

"Nope! Here. Justin said to give you this." I handed her the autographed C.D.

"An autographed copy of My Worlds: The Collection!" She screamed. "What's this?" She pointed to the phone number.

"He said that if you ever want to talk to me call this number."

"Who's number is it?"

"His." More screaming.

"I might not just call it to talk to you. I might want to talk to him." We burst out laughing.

"Well I got to pack my stuff."

"Want some help?"


15 minutes later I was walking back to Ms. Johnson's office with Katie right beside me. She wanted to go to meet Justin. Wow it was weird that he was my brother.

I walked in and immediately Katie started freaking out. "I told you not to freak out!" I told her.

"It's aight. I love meeting my fans." He gave Katie a hug asked her if she had any questions for him, and then she asked him a few and he answered.

"Bye Tori. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too Katie." Then we hugged and I walked outside with Justin and Pattie.

I saw Justin's car and flipped. "You have a Ferrari!"

"Yup. Hop in." I got in the backseat and we drove to the airport. "You ever been on a plane, Tori?" Justin asked me.


"Well you're in for a treat." We pulled up to airport and we got my stuff out of the trunk. I got out of the car and automatically regretted it. There were about 10 cameras in front of me. Justin jumped in front if me.

"Paparazzi! Keep your head down and stay behind me," he whispered. Pattie got in front of me, too. We got on the plane and my jaw dropped. "Tori, this is my private jet."

"Wow." was all I could say. I set my things down and sat in a chair.

"Want any candy?" Justin asked holding out a back pack stuffed with candy and chocolate. I took a Twix bar and opened it. "Good choice. That's my favorite."

"Mine, too!"

"So what do you like to do?"

"I like to sing."

"Me too!" We both laughed. "But seriously, you said you liked my music so what's your favorite song?"

"One Less Lonely Girl."

"Why is it that one?"

"Cause when I felt alone, like I didn't have a family, I'd listen to it."

"Aww. Your not alone anymore sweetie. We'll always be there for you." As he said that, he walked over and gave me a huge hug.

"One less lonely girl. One less lonely girl. There's gonna be one less lonely girl. How many I told yous and start overs and shoulders have you cried on before," he started to sing One Less Lonely Girl. "How many promises be honest girl. How many tears you let hit the floor? How bags you packed just to take 'em back. Tell me that how many either or's? But no more if you let me inside your world, there'll be one less lonely girl."

"Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you. Now all I see is you. I'm coming for you. Don't need those other pretty faces like I need you. And when you're mine in the world, there's gonna be one less lonely girl."

"I don't feel lonely anymore."

"Well you won't feel lonely again. I promise." He held out his pinky finger. I giggled and we linked pinkies.

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