Chapter 5-Go Gina

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After I changed into the skin tight two-piece, Aleah and Alicia ran off to the pool, while I sat on the edge of the tub. The regret of coming along on this trip was hitting me hard and the only I could do was hold my head in my hands. I don't know why the thought of coming here even crossed my mind in the first place. It was clear that I didn't belong and the only thing I can think about is curling up in my bed at home with the covers my head. Hiding forever. The thought of being seen in this made my stomach feel twisted up, but I know I have to go down there. I emerge from the bathroom, being met with an empty hallway. My lungs let out a breath of relief before my stomach was swarmed with butterflies. It seemed to be a cycle for the last fifteen minutes. It takes me all the two minutes to get downstairs-even in my agonizingly-slow pace- where everyone else is and I wish time would stop.

My heart is thumping against my rib cage with speed as I slide open the door. I'm met with the strong smell of Chlorine and the loud squeals from Aleah, Alicia and her sister as Lance and Shawn splash them with the cold water. Pac is sitting at the edge of the pool coolly, only his feet being dipped in the water. He has on these black swimming trucks which is the only thing he has on at the moment. The butterfly-situation is only worsened when my eyes fall to his naked upper body. Slight broad shoulder with defined biceps and a lean stomach. I can see hints of abs coming in and it makes my throat go dry.

I've been standing here for a couple seconds too long, probably looking like a complete idiot wrapped up in a white towel. No one seems to notice me as I walk carefully on the opposite side of where Pac is sitting. It's his turn to look at me now, taking in my covered up form, but he's quick to look away. I let my feet sink into the crystal water, rising up all the way to my knees when I sit down. The coolness makes me shudder but my skin is quick to get used to it. I'm still holding the towel tight to my chest like it's the most sacred thing I've ever had.

Aleah notices me eventually, her wide smile disappearing when she takes in my cover up.

"Tyla why don't you get in? And you too Pac," she turns to look at him, her wet hair swaying in the water. Pac doesn't say anything or even acknowledges her. His nostrils flare and he looks at me again as if waiting to see what I would do. Aleah swims over to me before I can get a response out, tugging at the hem of my towel gently. I sigh because everyone's eyes are on me again and I'm flushed. My only protection is thrown beside me with little regard and I watch as it does it's job and soaks up water. Then I jump in, the cold water taking me by surprise. I want to shy away from the coolness, feeling my ponytail start to stick to my back.

"See?" Aleah laughs and I don't know what point she was trying to prove but I'm thankful when they go back to splashing each other like children. I'm moving my arms back and forth to stay afloat, water smacking against my chin repeatedly. Lance is holding a bottle of 1800 in his hand, not even caring that half of the bottle is under water. His smile is wide as he looks at me then swims over to me.

Instead of saying anything he just holds the bottle out to me. I look at it suspiciously. I don't think swimming and drinking is the best idea but who am I to say that? All the conversations and warnings about alcohol float through my head quickly but I grab the bottle by it's neck. Lance is looking at me with his eyebrows high on his forehead like he doesn't believe I'm gonna do it. That right there is the reason for my next actions. I tilt my head back, pouring the sin into my mouth until it's full. Lance cheers me on but I pass it back quickly-instantly regretting my bold choice when the burning sensation slides down my throat in an uncomfortable way. My faces is twisted up with disgust and Lance lets out a laugh. With they way people drink alcohol I would've thought it has a sweet taste. I didn't expect it to taste like actual well...alcohol.

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