Chapter Seventeen

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Ryans pov

I woke up with franks body sprawled out against mine. I pushed him off me causing him to wake up. I walked into the kitchen to make coffee for Frank and me because we had awful hangovers. Eva walked into kitchen and I gave her a cup of coffee as well. I decided that I would make breakfast for everyone. I got the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and started to cook. Frank and Eva helped me cook. We set the table with basic needs like forks and napkins. I woke everyone up and we ate together. Frank fed Ziggy and then took a shower. Eva cleaned up and washed dishes. Brendon had to pick something up at the studio so I y/n and I decorated Maddies room. I placed an elephant stuffed animal in the crib and y/n took it. "Hey, this is mine...for now." i laughed as she brought the elephant to her chest. I folded and put away the little clothes in the dresser. I put the toys in boxes on one side of the room and books and learning things on the other side of the room. 

After we had finished decorating and Brendon had come back home we all laid down and watched The Babadook my favorite scary movie. Frank hanged on to for dear life for most of the movie. Y/n just yelled and laughed at the tv. Eva held on to Ziggy and Brendon had already fallen asleep. But that was ruined when Frank and y/n screamed at the jumpscare. Brendon cuddled into y/n and they both fell asleep. They were both so cute when they were sleeping.

After the movie was over Eva laid down on the couch with Ziggy and a blanket and Frank and I carried Brendon and y/n into their bedroom. We went into our bedroom but didn't go to sleep just yet. 

***smut warning***

I pushed Frank onto the bed and started kissing him. We removed our shirts and pants and continued kissing. He took off my boxers and I removed his. I grabbed the lube and condoms from the nightstand. I slid on the condom and squirted the lube into my hand. I forgot to stretch him and just entered him. He let out a loud moan and I covered his mouth. I kept thrusting and kissing him until we both came. I took off the condom tied it and threw it into the trash can.

**Smut ending**

I cuddled into him and kissed him goodnight and we both fell asleep. I Loved this man so much.

###Time skip to 2 months later brought to you by Patricks fedora###

Y/ns pov

I was recording a new song with the boys when I felt something weird in my pants. I went into the bathroom and I was bleeding like I had months ago. "BRENDON!" I screamed. He and Ryan ran into the bathroom. Ryan called an ambulance and Brendon picked me up. The ambulance arrived quickly and we went to hospital.

I was rushed inside and was told that I was going to give birth. Ryan wasn't allowed with us unless he was family so i told them that he was my brother. They believed it thank god. Brendon was on one side of me and Ryan was on the other.

After ours of pain, shouting, and crying I was holding my beautiful baby girl. She was curled into my chest and sleeping. I handed her to Brendon and I could see tears pooling in his eyes. I couldn't wait to begin my life with these amazing people in my life.

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