Odds are against us

Start from the beginning

– Finally. Where's Tom?

– He said he didn't want to come. – Bill shrugged.

– What? Why not? – I frowned.

– He didn't tell me.

I groaned and walked upstairs to Tom's bedroom. I opened the door without knocking and saw him on his laptop.

– Why aren't you coming? – I asked him.

– I don't feel like it. – he shrugged. – I think I'm getting sick. – I rolled my eyes at his excuse.

– Whatever. I'll see you later. – I said and closed his door.

I walked downstairs, grabbed my jacket and dragged Bill along with me to Joan's car.

– Finally. – Joan complained.

– Sorry. You know how long Bill can take to get ready. – I sighed.

– That's why I look better than the both of you. – he said, making me and Joan laugh.

– I wouldn't be so sure. – Joan said as she started driving.

We arrived at the party after a while and stepped out of the car.

– We should wait here for Tiffany and the rest of them. – Joan said. – They'll be here any second. – as she finished her sentence we saw Nathan parking his car next to Joan's.

– Literally any second. – I said and laughed.

We all greeted each other before going inside the party. We immediately started drinking and having fun. I hadn't remembered what it felt like to have fun in more than two weeks.


Around four hours of partying later I sat down on a couch feeling completely wasted, watching Bill stumble around and Joan laughing at him. I started laughing when I saw him falling onto the same couch I was sitting on.

– You done for today? – I asked him.

– I don't know. – he sighed, earning another laugh from me. – I have- – he hesitated. – I have something to tell you. – he said, moving closer to me.

– What is it? – I raised an eyebrow at him.

– I think I'm drunk. – he whispered in my ear before I burst out laughing.

– You're definitely the most drunk you've been in a while. – I kept laughing.

– What's so funny? – Joan moved closer to us.

– Oh, nothing. – I told her.

– I'm so tired. – she said.

– Me too. Should we get going? – I asked.

– Already? – Bill complained.

– Yeah, the rest of the guys have already left.

– Okay. – Bill said with a disappointed face.

We both got up from the couch stumbling a little but we managed to get to the car.

– Can you drive? – I asked Joan.

– How much did you have to drink? – Bill asked her.

– Not much, I'm fine. I can drive. – she said.

– You sure? We can call a cab. – I told her.

– I said I'm fine. – she said as she got inside her car and started the engine. I got into the backseat with Bill and we both put our seatbelts on.

Joan started driving and we were going through the highway in no instant. I noticed how Bill had already fallen asleep. I couldn't help but close my eyes and lean my head back against the seat because of how sleepy I was.

I was seconds away from falling asleep when I suddenly heard a truck honk and hit the car with immense force. I heard glass shatter and I hit my head. Then everything went dark.


I opened my eyes suddenly and felt a mask on my face. I looked around to try to know what was happening but all I could see were red lights everywhere and people talking to each other.

– She's awake! Take her in the ambulance now! – I heard a man scream.

I was so confused, until I saw people in red pushing me into what looked like an ambulance. Only then it hit me. We crashed. I started breathing faster as I panicked. Then another stretcher came into the same ambulance I was in. I could see Bill's face for a second. He was lying there, but he didn't seem to be awake like me. I tried to reach for his hand which was fallen over the stretcher.

– Ma'am do not move. – I heard a paramedic talk to me.

– Time of death 04:37am. – I heard another voice.

– Bill- – I tried to speak, but nearly no voice came out.

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