Chapter Nine

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I awake with a groan. My head was pounding, probably because of Sam last night. He was gone, as he always is the mornings after. I sit up in bed, half naked, dubbing my eyes and seeing a person. I thought I was hallucinating when I saw Aidan in my room. "What. The. Hell. Get the fuck out." I glare at him.

"I want to apologize." He says sincerely, but he still has that voice. "For kidnapping me or for staying in my room?" I say angrily.

"..Both.." He says softly.


"London, I'm very, very sorry for what I've done. I've never been more sorry in my lifetime." I sigh. He sounded sincerely sorry, but most of the time, when you kidnap someone, they don't just forgive you. "It's okay." I say after about a minute, contradicting myself. I see a smile spread onto his face. "Now the next question or proposition I have for you might scare you a bit."

"What is it?" I ask him. The way he worded it made me feel like I was in danger. "Can you come with me to the waterfall? I need you to come with me. I need to show you something, but I'll get killed if I do it here." He pleads. His hands form a prayer. I laugh a little, seeing this. Doesn't he know vampires don't pray?

"I swear if you do anything bad to me, I will snap your neck. That is a threat." I raise my eyebrows with a menacing glare.

"Okay, okay." Aidan says, putting his hands up as a surrender. He goes into my bathroom and lets me change, so I just put on some simple red shorts and a grey hoodie, throwing my hair into a ponytail. There was no need to really dress up for the moment.

"Okay, Aidan. Let's go." I say. He outstretches his hand so we can walk hand in hand, but quickly retracts it when he realizes that I would refuse to hold his hand. I laugh seeing this. "What's up with you today?" I tease.

"My lady, May you please follow me?" He says, ignoring my teasing question. We walk down and out of the castle territory. It takes us a bit, but we make it to the waterfall. There, he has me sit on a large rock. "Wow... this place is beautiful." I admire the surroundings, with lush green grass and a beautiful large waterfall with a rather large pond at the bottom with koi fish in it.

Aidan stands in front of me and clears his throat to get my attention. "My lady, it is with my greatest displeasure to tell you that I've been hiding something from you." He says, hands behind his back and eyes to the ground. I look up at him with a confused look in my eyes. "Well, can you please tell me what you've been hiding? Is it the thing that you said would get you killed?" I ask him nosily. He nods slowly and looks up into my eyes with an almost ashamed look.

I don't know why, but I've always been attracted to him. Ever since I met him that night at the hall. The way his eyes just pierce mine with that determined and ambitious look. I find myself staring as he removes his blazer and carefully places it next to me. He sees that I move away a bit. He backs up again. "...I'm sorry," he says with a frown. "Are you ready?"

I just had noticed he was hiding his scent. I nod slowly, unsure of what's to come. He sighs, closes his eyes, and un-masks his scent. I take a deep breath in. I smelled a strong forest and a strong cinnamon scent. A hint of sweet blood as well. I close my eyes, sniffing the air for a good few seconds. The smell was so perfect. The aromas altogether went seamlessly together.

I look up at Aidan and stare right into his now slightly sheepish eyes. He was my beloved. And my mate.  "H-How is this possible? How am I both your beloved and your mate?" I say, panicking. I stand up quickly and feel myself backing away, no matter how much my body didn't want to. He tries to soothe me by trying to touch me but I just push him away. I can tell it hurts him to do that, but it hurts me too. It hurts a lot now that I recognize him as the second part of my soul.

"...You're a hybrid." I say almost breathlessly. "And my beloved. And my mate. How is this even possible!?"

"London, i'm sorry. I never wanted to kidnap you, I wanted you to know that i was your mate and beloved, I just didn't know how to go about it. I just... there's nothing to say except I'm sorry. Your brothers do damn well of a job beating someone up," He says in his sincere pleading tone again.

"And then you had your party, and I had so many fucking mixed emotions when i saw you with that guy. He did leave in the morning, I promise I didn't do anything to him." Aidan says. I was still in complete shock and disbelief. He tried to tell me the night he kidnapped me but just didn't know how.

"But, London, I'm sorry. I'm really, sincerely sorry, If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, i'll be here for you." He says. "If you need time and space, you have it. I don't want to hurt you anymore." His voice starts to tremble a tiny bit.

My inner self was screaming to go and hug him, but I didn't want to. I stood my ground. He was standing up with his head dropped. I could only assume that Aidan is being completely sincere; why would he go through all of this trouble just to lie?

I sigh heavily. I hated seeing my beloved like this. I think for about a minute before heading over to Aidan. I stand in front of him and hug him tightly. I feel his large arms immediately engulf my body, melting into each other's touch.

He slowly looks and smiles at me. He had a tear-stained face. That only made me feel worse. I didn't want to see my beloved sad. Aidan wraps his arms around my waist as we hug. "My lady, I am here if you ever need anything. If you have any sort of questions just ask me. I am here to tell you everything you desire to the best of my extent. I will love and cherish you greatly." He says in a soft voice with his head dug into my shoulder-neck crevice.

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