Should we?

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The rest of the day was spent walking around Corpus Christi; we had a lovely time on the beach and had somehow managed to stay incognito. It was getting closer to showtime and I had to be at the theatre for a last minute run through. "I guess it's about that time?" Val questioned as we walked hand in hand. "Yep, I need to head to the theatre. What do we tell everyone, Val?" Other than Emma, who I swore to secrecy, no one really knew what was going on between us; "we tell them the truth, I have nothing to hide," Val responded as he pulled me in for a kiss. I loved having him by my side, but I worried what everyone would say; after all, he and Jenna were together less than two weeks ago.

We had finished running a few numbers and I headed back to the dressing room to get ready for the show. "Remember our last encounter in a dressing room?" I heard Val's voice from behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a kiss on my neck. "Oh I remember." Val spun me around and moved in closer, his eyes on mine, "do you think we can continue that conversation later tonight?" His words made my stomach churn and my heart race, "I think that's a strong possibility," I teased as I pulled him in for a slow passionate kiss. "Have a wonderful show gorgeous, I'm going to take my seat so I can watch you slay," Val gave a wink and headed out the door.

The show was going well and the crowd had so much energy, it was infectious. As we sat backstage during intermission I noticed everyone looking at me. "What!? Why are you all starring at me?"

Lindsay: "Are you going to tell us what's going on between you and Val?"

Alan: "I thought he was with Jenna?"

"Definitely not with Jenna," Emma piped with a wild grin on her face.

"Val and I have decided to give it a try," I hesitated, unsure of how everyone would react.

"Finally!" Alan chimed in.

Keo: "I'm glad you two see what everyone has seen all along."

Gleb: "You can literally feel the sexual tension whenever you two are in a room together. I do hope you guys can remedy that."

I felt my cheeks turn bright red, "thanks Gleb, we are working on that."

The second act flew by, and as everyone made their final bows, Artem took the mic. "We have another member of the family here with us tonight, come on up Val." The crowd went wild as Val made his way on to the stage, giving everyone hugs and high fives as he took the mic from Artem and walked over beside me. "Thanks for the love Corpus Christi, weren't these wonderful people up on this stage absolutely amazing tonight!?" The crowd cheered loudly as Val turned to me and gave a wink. "I'm here tonight for love, I must admit, I never thought this day would come, but I'm so happy that it did." My heart started pounding as a million thoughts were running through my mind. What was he going to say next? "I don't think I really need to say anything more. I find that too much talk and not enough action can really slow the process down." Val hands the mic to Haley and pulls me in to his arms. "I'm going to kiss you now," he whispers, and before I have time to speak, plants a long, slow, romantic kiss on my lips. The theatre was dead quiet, and for a minute it felt like we were the only two people in the room. "Finally!" Yelled a voice from the audience, and the entire crowd erupted with cheers and laughter.

This would be a day that I would never forget.

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