Time to say "I do"

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Without looking back, and moving as quickly as possible trying not to attract attention to myself, I made my way back to my room and locked the door behind me. Why would he say that to me? Why does he have this hold on me? His words still echoed in my mind and the longer I sat in silence the more deafening it became. "Sharna, please open the door," I heard Val's voice ring out from the hallway. Not sure how to respond I just sat staring at the wall, completely mute and with a profound feeling of emptiness. "Please Sharna, let me in. I only need a minute of your time." With heavy feet, and an even heavier heart, I made my way to the door and unlocked it. What came next was something I will never forget...

"I can't look at you anymore with out wanting to do this..." Val burst through the door and before I could speak his lips were on mine and his hands pulled me in close.

"Val stop!" I gasped. "You have a girlfriend." As the words left my mouth I could feel his warmth on my lips, and I wanted nothing more than to taste him again.

"Just say the word Shar, say you'll give us a shot and I'll end it with Jenna."

"You can't do that to her Val, she cares deeply for you. The thought of us excites you, but eventually that excitement will die and you'll be ready to leave me for a shot with someone else."

"Damnit Sharna, there is no other women in this world that compares to you. Can't you see that? Stop running from this, stop running from us!"

"I have to go get ready" I stammered and quickly left the room before he had time to react.

Minutes later I find myself sitting in hair and makeup with the rest of the bridal party, everyone looked so beautiful, and the excitement that filled the room was intoxicating. The wedding would commence in 2 hours and I was thankful that I would be tied up the entire time; I don't think seeing Val would be a good idea right now. The next couple of hours were filled with pictures, lipstick, bobby pins and tears. Pete was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen and I couldn't help but cry when I saw her in her dress.

"Something old?" I pull out a necklace that Pete gave to me on opening night of Burn The Floor. On it is an old Chinese charm that symbolizes fulfillment. "I know this marriage will give you a lifetime of fulfillment, but I wanted you to carry this with you so that you never forget." With tears in our eyes we locked hands and shared a warm embrace.

Pete: "Love you forever."

Me: "Love you always."

Chmergess: Weddings change everything. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें