Introducing Mr. & Mrs.

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I arrived after dress rehearsal so when it was time for the wedding Nicole told me I would be escorted down the aisle by Val. Of course, how much more awkward could this get, I thought to myself. It was time for the wedding party to line up and when I saw him I felt my heart race, he looked sexy as hell in his tuxedo.

"You look stunning," Val whispered as he took my hand and wrapped it through his arm. "Let's do this!"

The music began to play and I swear my heart was keeping time. Val must have sensed my nerves because he grabbed my hand and planted a soft kiss upon it. "Breathe babe," Val says with a smile. I'm not sure what I was more nervous about, the fact that I had such deep feelings for this man that was about to escort me down the aisle in front of hundreds of onlookers; or maybe it was the fact that he left me completely breathless/flustered and I hoped no one, especially Jenna, noticed. As the doors to the garden opened, revealing the glorious colors and smiling faces, I pulled myself together with a smile and Val led me to the alter; and with a quick peck on the cheek, we parted ways.

As the ceremony progressed and vows were being exchanged, I couldn't help but look at him; his blue eyes staring right into mine, I swear he could see my soul. In that moment I didn't care if anyone noticed, because in that moment nothing could have made me look away.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," my thoughts were interrupted by applause as Mr. and Mrs. Maksim Chmerkovskiy were officially wed. The procession went quickly, and before I knew it the wedding was over. As I went back to the room to change for the reception I heard footsteps behind me, "I see the way you two look at each other," shocked I whirled around to see Momma C standing behind me. "What do you mean?"

Momma C closed the gap between us and took my face in her hands, "baby you know you two are meant to be, stop fighting it." Before I had time to answer the tears started streaming down my face, "I don't know what to do."

"I think you know exactly what to do," Momma C says in a loving voice, and before I could speak another word she planted a kiss on my cheek and was gone. I decided to go ahead and pack a little before heading back down to the party, I have an early flight to Nashville in the morning, as it's our next stop on tour and we have a rehearsal scheduled for tomorrow evening. Stealing one last glance in the mirror, I head down to join the reception just in time to see the bride and groom share their first dance. Pete looked so happy and I couldn't be more thrilled that my Queen had finally found her King.

Suddenly the DJ spoke over the intercom: "Alright, all my unmarried men and women, I need you to find your way to the dance floor."

I know exactly what this means and as I turn to hurry out of the room Rumer grabs my arm and pulls me out on the dance floor. "If I have to do this, so do you!"

DJ: "Okay ladies on the count of three, you know the drill, 1-2-3!"

Of course, as fate would have it, the bouquet landed right in my arms. Oh shit!

DJ: "Okay fellas, it's your turn. 1-2-3!" Val makes a dive for it and...success!

DJ: "okay you two, it's tradition, lets have a little dance."

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