Thomas and his merry men

Start from the beginning

"Help! Help! Thomas! Alby! Newt! Minho!" A voice shouted from outside.

Everyone picked up their weapons and ran out the camp into the open woodland.

Ben ran in face bright red and panting. Every glader turned his way, even those who where sleeping woke up to find out the news.

He bent over coughing, clearing having ran faster than he ever had. Newt patted his back and handed him a drink. "Bloody tell us what's wrong?"

"They've... They've..." He coughed. "They've got my sister." He grabbed Newt by the shirt. "Please Newt please, you have to help her. She's going on trial for witchcraft..." He began to sob. "Their going to drown her."

Newt sighed and turned to Thomas. "It's your buggin' call?"

Thomas looked at Ben weeping on the floor, he felt pity. "If she's his sister than she might as well be ours. Pack up we leave now!"


Hands tied tightly behind your back, you stand on the river bank watching as the sheriff and his men arrive.

They had chairs, drinks and food laid out like they were watching a performance. You smile at their arrival purely to disturb them.

On the river side is a large wooden contraption involving a chair, shackles and a lot of rope so the chair may be dunked into the water as many times as wished. It was meant to be an awful form of trail. If you drowned you were innocent and would turn out not to be a witch but if you lived you would be burnt as a witch.

You sigh and straighten your dress at least you were dressed at your best. You smirk as you run over the plan again.

The sheriff takes his seat and a horn silences everyone. "We are all gathered today for blah blah blah witchcraft blah blah blah get on with it."

Time for the play to begin. "Please, glorious, gracious, almighty sheriff allow me one last final wish in this beautiful world." You fall to your knees begging.

"Flattery will not work." The sheriff laughs. Then rolls his eyes and sighs, he waves his hand. "Fine, what is it?"

"This is my best dress, dear sheriff, I put it on especially for meeting you..." You pout your lip like an innocent sweet girl hiding the devil inside of you. "I didn't realise it would be getting wet do you mind if I remove it?"

He gulps and nods his head taking his seat. The guard undos the rope binding your hands together. They tingle as blood is allowed to flow back into them. You rush over to the drinks table and start to undo your dress. Half way through undoing the laces you check to see no one is looking, perfect they are all purposefully looking away. You slip out a small flask filled with your favourite potion, one that made the mind go funny for two days. You pour it into the large jug of wine.

"Are you done over there?" The sheriff shouts.

"Yes your all powerful." You shout back slipping out of the dress. You walk back in front of everyone in a very sexy, revealing undergarment. You can't help but grin as all the men blush and divert their eyes looking at anything apart from you.

"Get on with it, stop messing around." The sheriff orders.

The guards grab your bare arms tightly and fasten you to the chair with the shackles. You look to the sky and pray this would work, if it didn't you were dead. They moved you over the water. Just as you were lowered in you saw a servant pouring out drinks.

The water was ice cold, swarming around your head cutting off all links to the air, to the people of the river bank. You had to be quick. You tug against the restraints, you really were stuck in the chair. Shit. Ok plan B. Using your teeth you pull a small pipe out from under your bra strap, you take a small breath of air.

The pipe was connected to two small pig bladders you had stuffed under your boobs. The pig bladders had enough air to last you an hour if you used it sparingly.

The water pressure began to drop around your head and you were brought back to the surface.

"Is she dead yet?" The sheriff huffed sounding bored. Well sorry if my dying bores you.

He sighs and lowers his hand, back down.

"I curse you with all my magic powers, to loose your mind! Go crazy! You sheriff will become a fool!" You scream as the water engulfs you, you accidentally swallow some.

You open your eyes in the murky water, you take another breath from your pipe. It tasted foul.

Then you saw a movement in the water, a man was swimming towards you. His blond hair waving with the current. He clutched onto your chair and put a bigger pipe in your mouth, fresh air was being pushed into your lungs. You wanted to cry, you were going to live.

The man started to fiddle with the locks, he had undone one hand when the chair started to move upwards again. He took the pipe out of your mouth putting it in his own.

The sheriff wasn't impressed again. "Your still alive?"

You spit water at him. "Have fun rotting in hell as a simple minded fool, you..."

The cold water was surrounding you again. The blond man was still there, he finished undoing the shackles. Holding your hand he swam you to the other side of the river. You climbed onto the bank panting and coughing water. You were aware of eyes staring at you. "What you never seen under a woman's dress before?" You snap.

"Of course I have, this hair attracts all the lady's." An Asian retorted.

"What! Your mother!" You scoff, embarrassed, they must think your a whore.

They are all blushing at your semi naked dress. "Y/n!" Arms wrap around you.

"Ben." You sigh. Why hadn't you guessed it would be him and his bunch of outlaws to rescue you.

You wring your hair out and stand up. "Thank you." You mutter.

"What? We missed that."The Asian cupped his ears.

You snarl at him and turn to the blond man. Who now you could see with focus, was the best looking man you had seen. You blushed slightly as his white soaked shirt clung to his chest. He pressed the back of his hand against your cheek. "Are you alright? You look flushed." He had a sweet accent that made your stomach swirl so much you began to wonder if you had swallowed the entire river.

You stroke your arms and nod your head. "Thanks to you I'm fine, just cold."

He picks up a jacket of the ground and wraps around your shoulders. You go to talk but are cut of by cries and shout of surprise from across the river.

"They've noticed your gone we need to go."

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