Two: Gucci Shopping.

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Currently, the Mat and Aubrey were at the mall. Mat adored spending money on others, but not shopping around so many people. Aubrey and Mat went from store to store, buying item after item. After getting everything she asked for or even looked at, that wasn't all. 

It was something about shopping that gave Aubrey adrenaline; she couldn't help it. It went from makeup to perfume, and eventually shirts and furniture. She couldn't help herself, but she wished Mat would hesitate just for a moment before buying her what she wanted. 

After a short break of shoving bags into other bags to save Matty's arms, her eyes landed on her and Mattew's favorite store; Gucci. She couldn't help but get excited about it. Everything was so beautiful in the store, she wanted it all. Even the title of the store looked expensive.

"Mat," Aubrey said grabbing his arms. The man was already drowned in shopping bags to carry, all far too much for him to hold. The man may have been strong, but he was also a bit small. 

Once he heard his name, he turned to his girl, giving her a look that showed he wanted her to continue talking. Aubrey didn't know how, but Matthew could express anything just by looking at her. 

"Can you promise me something?" She asked, turning to him. Aubrey ran a hand up and down his arm, it was comforting to the both of them. Mat received a soothing touch from his girl, and she was happy just by looking at him. Being able to touch Mat gave her a roller coaster of emotions.

The man nodded his head as he stepped closer to her. "Of course, baby girl," he hummed, "anything." 

Aubrey took both of Mat's arms as she took a few steps back. He chuckled as he followed after her, taking step after step. "We're going to go to Gucci..." she started.

"Yeah?" he asked, waiting for his girl to continue talking. 

"And we're going to go shopping in there," She added. Mattew nodded his head, a smile growing on his face. "But you're going to limit what we buy, right, Mat?" She ended, leaving the man puzzled.

"No," He laughed, shaking his head. The man released one of her hands, guiding the two towards the store. He was excited and happy while with Aubrey, he wasn't going to let numbers ruin a fun time for him and his girl. "But we are going to go to Gucci, and I'll buy you all the shit you want. Gonna drape you head to toe in Gucci."

"But Matty," she dramatically sighed. The girl stopped walking, leaving Mat to stop also. "I really don't want to spend all your money." Pouting was the only way Mat would possibly let Aubrey get her way, she was the master at getting what she wants. But, Mat was also good at getting what he wants; the man didn't take no for an answer.

"Fine," Aubrey said, giving into the man. She was going to do it eventually, Aubrey well knew how stubborn he was.

"Good girl," the man ended their conversation. The two walked side by side, soon stepping into the store.

Was it possible for a store to be eye candy? Black and gold surrounded the walls, easily catching attention at every spot their heads turned to see. Aubrey turned to Mat, a desperate look on her face. "Matty, are you sure?" She asked. The man only nodded his head, she already knew the answer to that. 

After that, Aubrey didn't hesitate. She ran to the first thing her eyes landed on- purses. She ran like a little kid in a candy store; fast and excited. 

The man followed after her, standing on the other side of the displays. He couldn't help but follow her as if she was his mother and they were in a grocery store. As she took a few steps, so did he.

Aubrey couldn't help as her hands roamed all over each item; one after the other. She would pick up a bag, run her hands over it, look inside, set it down, and then move to the next bag; that's how Mat observed. His eyes couldn't leave her, the way her eyes lit up was so beautiful, just like everything else about Aubrey. 

The two would walk from display to display. After purses, it was shoes.  Mat followed after her, leaning on a counter. His eyes were glued to her, he couldn't help himself. The excited girl sat down on the floor and crossed her legs; she didn't pick up every pair this time. She only picked up the pairs that caught her attention.

Mat observed that she followed the same actions; Aubrey would pick one up, run her fingers over it, questionably look inside it, admire the footwear more, and set it back down. If she was being honest with herself, she didn't want any of them.

Aubrey could feel Mat's eyes on her and that was her favorite thing about shopping with him. Once she couldn't reach anymore, that's when Mat stepped in. The man walked until he was right behind her. He grabbed the sneaker that he could tell she had her eyes on but was out of reach.

Once he bent down to hand it to her, she looked up at him, easily giving him the opportunity to place a kiss to her lips; opportunity taken. 

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