Chapter 10

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I watched as the man turned to Ivar. "What are you going to do if I don't cripple?"

"Do you honestly want to find out?" Ivar asked.

"Take her away..." The man smiled.

"No!" I started fighting to get free. "Ivar!"

Ivar and that man started fighting. The man hit Ivar's side with his ax.

"Ivar!" I pulled harder. His warriors began fighting the men around us. I stomped on the foot of one man then punched the other.

I grabbed his arm and flipped him over me onto his back. I pulled my sword out and pierced his chest.

I was hit by the other man and fell to the ground. He tried to pin me at first, but I hit him and tried to get to my sword. The man grabbed my leg and dragged me back.

An ax hit him right between the eyes and he fell back. I looked towards Ivar then got up quickly. "Ivar...."

"I will be fine..." Ivar said as he showed me the wound.

I looked closely at the wound then in his eyes. I shook my head as I looked down. "You had me worried..."

Ivar grabbed his crutch and got himself up. I slowly stood up as he gently touched my cheek. "Good thing that bastard is dead..." He looked to his men. "Let's move."

We made our way to the top of the hill quietly. Ivar signaled his men to stay while he and I went forward. Ivar knocked on the cabin door lightly.

The door opened slightly. Ivar spoke in a language he spoke before as he peaked his head in. Ivar pushed the door open more as he spoke again.

"I am Rune... Who are you?" A man sat by the fire. His dark hair was starting to turn gray. His pale blue eyes looked at us as we stepped inside. I closed the door to keep the warmth from escaping.

"I am Ivar the Boneless."

"A son of Ragnar... Yes, I have heard about you... What do you want?"

"I want to know why a king in Ireland would want to leave you vulnerable after destroying his own kingdom and killing his own people." Ivar sat down.

"I have no attachments to Ireland anymore." Rune said quietly.

"King Midir, my father wanted to hurt you... You have something or had something there in my lands." I said.

Rune looked at me slowly. "M-Midir?"

"Yes, he was planning to destroy my home and all it's people. He would have been made a co ruler next to the Roman king Remus. He even planned for me to marry Prince Aries."

Rune slowly rose to his feet. He slowly came closer to me as he placed his hands on my cheeks. "You remind me of Maev."

I froze for a moment as I stared at Rune. Who is Maev?" Ivar asked.

"How do you know my mother?" I asked. Ivar looked at me for a moment.

"You are the daughter of Maev and Gymir... My brother."

"No, my father was King Midir." I said sternly.

"No child. Your mother was in love with my brother and kept the affair a secret."

"Affair?" I repeated.

"So, she was seeing your brother behind Midir's back? Well, then how did it get out? Obviously Gymir is dead..." Ivar glared.

"Midir found out when Maev started showing."

Ivar looked up towards me in silence. I shook my head and turned slightly. "Why wouldn't Midir tell me I'm not his child? Why raise me?"

"Because, Midir loved your mother. He wanted a child with her. He promised to keep it a secret only if she could accept that Gymir would be killed."

I looked at Rune for a moment. "She agreed?" I asked.

"Midir didn't give her time to even answer. While he told her this men were sent to kill him behind her back. Midir kept her secret and raised you as his daughter."

I shook my head and turned slightly. "So, Midir didn't want Lir ever to find out the truth?" Ivar asked.

"No, he didnt want anyone knowing. Maev's own father doesn't even know of this." Rune looked to Ivar. "He was hoping to destroy all traces of the truth if that was his plan to destroy your home and even me."

I turned slightly and shook my head. Ivar grabbed my hand. "Lir?"

"Just let Midir kill me if he wishes."

"Midir is dead..." I said quietly.

"Oh, what about Remus?"

"Not yet, but he will soon be." Ivar said.

"Good." Rune nodded. "I know this hard now, but it's the truth Lir... You are strong willed just like your mother and courageous."

I sat down as I covered my face. "I wouldn't really know... I don't know much about her."

"Maev was a brave fierce woman. If she gave her word on something she never went back on it. She fought hard, but loved even harder. She stood her ground when she thought it was the right thing to do. She was very loyal to those she cared for."

"Except Midir." I looked at him.

"He was always to ambitious and never satisfied with what he already had. She wasn't important to him, until he found out she was in love with Gymir."

"Did he even love her?" Ivar asked.

"I never thought he did." Rune huffed. "Gymir loved her just as much as she loved him."

"What was he like?" Ivar asked curiously.

"A farmer and a black smith." Rune said. "He saw Maev and fell instantly. Gymir was wise beyond his years and he was the kindest man you would ever meet. He believed there was a purpose for everything that happened in life, but it was up to the person to figure it all out."

I looked down and remained quiet. What will grandfather think if he finds this out? "Thank you for everything." Ivar said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Rune kneeled in front of me and lifted the pendant to examine it. "You carry both Maev and Gymir with you when you wear this. I'm sorry you had to find the truth out this way. If Maev were here, you would have been informed a long time ago."

"It is alright... Did Gymir give this to my mother?"

"Yes." Rune nodded. I nodded quietly as I looked at it.

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