Chapter 5

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I let out a small sigh as I walked toward the axs that Ivar just finished. I kneeled down to examine one as Ivar made his way over here. "I say we should blood eagle the king."

I stood up then looked into his eyes. "What is that?"

"Wait and see." Ivar smirked as he sat down.

"You plan to do this tonight?"

"Yes." Ivar looked up at me. "He betrayed you and your people... He even tried to harm you and ship you off to Rome to be married away..."

"Don't remind me." I folded my arms and looked down slightly.

"He will be blood eagled for everything he has done." Ivar said quietly.

"What do you want out of all this?" I looked at him.

"What I came here for in the first place." Ivar locked his eyes with mine.

"Oh, how could I have forgotten?" I said sarcastically. "Well, you can't have the kingdom Ivar."

Ivar rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Then you don't need my help."

I glared as I folded my arms. "That won't work Ivar..."

"Pack it up! We aren't needed here anymore." Ivar called to his men.

"Ivar..." Oluf frowned.

"I said move out." Ivar said sternly.

"Fine! But, you have to make one condition crippled bastard..."

Ivar glared. "I won't make any conditions with that attitude."

"If you want this kingdom, there will be two rulers. A co ruler... Me..." I said sterntly.

"Hm, co ruling with you and that attitude... I'm not so sure..."

"Well, I guess this place will be destroyed then." I turned slightly.

"Fine!" Ivar huffed. "Deal..."

"Good..." I smiled as I looked back at him.

Ivar rolled his eyes. "I have ax blades to sharpen."

I nodded as I grabbed some sticks. "And I have arrows to make." I walked away and started to smooth out the sticks then attach the arrow head to the stick.

"Face it Lir, you are starting to develop feelings for Ivar." Oluf dropped more sticks by me.

"I have more important things to worry about than that." I shook my head as I got to work.

"Admit it..." Oluf stopped. "Just admit it Lir, because Ivar feels the same way."

"He doesn't show it." I said as I continued to smooth out the sticks.

"Denying it only makes the feeling stronger." Oluf said quietly.

"I have work to do Oluf." I said as I started tying arrow heads to the sticks.

Oluf huffed and turned. "Lir..."

"Oluf, I'm a little busy..." I growled.

"Lir!" Ivar called.

I turned just as an arrow hit my shoulder. Oluf covered me until Ivar could get over to me. Ivar pulled the arrow out and wrapped a cloth around my shoulder to stop the bleeding.

"Get her to a safe place inside." Ivar demanded as he grabbed Oluf's arm. "Get me to the chariot."

"Yes sir." Oluf lifted Ivar onto his back then ran to Ivar's chariot as his men got me inside to a safe place.

As soon as we got in Ivar's men started fend off Roman warriors. I grabbed a sword and used my good arm to help.

I looked out the window for a moment then started to fight them back out the door. I kicked them down and pierced the mans chest.

I ran over toward Oluf. I helped him fend off two Roman warriors. "Where is Ivar?"

"Over there." Oluf pointed quick.

I looked over towards Ivar for a moment. I made my way toward him then fought off a warrior just before he hit Ivar in the back.

Ivar looked back at me for a moment then tossed his ax over my shoulder. We fought off all the warriors finally.

I sat against the chariot wheel as Ivar climbed out. "Lir..." he crawled over to me and looked at my shoulder.

"I will be fine." I assured him.

"Hush..." Ivar said as he untied the cloth. He examined the wound then tied a fresh cloth a little tighter around my wound.

"Thank you..." I said quietly as I looked at my shoulder.

"You're welcome..." Ivar said quietly as he kept his eyes down.

"Has Oluf said anything to you?" I asked curiously.

"About?" Ivar glanced at me.

"Us." I said softly. "He insists in us admitting that we have feelings for each other." I looked at him for a moment.

Ivar looked down for a moment. "He is mistaken..." I remained silent. "I am not here to find love... I am here to raid."

I nodded slightly then stood up. Ivar's blue eyes looked up toward me. "Then tell him that..." I said as I started to walk away.

"What about the king?" Ivar asked.

"Do what you will..." I said and walked inside. I grabbed my cloak and sword then made my way to the stable.

"Where are you going?" Oluf asked.

"To find Aleena..." I said as I got on my horse and rode off. "Aleena?"

"Is it safe?" Aleena asked.

"For now." I nodded.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Aleena pointed.

"I got hit with an arrow. I will be fine Aleena." I said as I got off my horse.

"You don't seem fine." Aleena watched me.

"Oluf insists that I have feelings for Ivar and he feels the same way... Ivar said Oluf is mistaken..." I sighed.

"But, you do have feelings for Ivar..." Aleena pointed out.

"I don't..."

"Lir, I can see it in your eyes. You find him attractive even though he can be cruel."

I looked down slightly. "It doesn't matter anyway." I got on the horse. "Let's go."

Aleena got on the horse. "It does matter to you... You are upset about what he said."

"Enough Aleena..." I demanded as we headed back toward the castle.

When we got back my father's lifeless body was being burned on a ship. I got off the horse and walked over to Ivar. "Where were you?"

"Getting Aleena... I thought you were going to blood eagle him?"

"I changed my mind." Ivar said as he looked at the ship.

"Oh." I said quietly.

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