Chapter 3: Showing Our Feelings

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Nagisa POV - Kaede was kind enough to lend me some bras and I rushed to the changing rooms to put them on. Half an hour later, when I had finally figured out how they worked, I walked toward home and was stopped by Karma. Why is he hear now...
"Hey Karma, why are you heading this way?" I asked as pleasantly as possible.
"Um, just to check on you... You seemed pretty distant today in class. And you're voice is getting way to girl like, has your mum done anything?" He questioned.
Nows my chance, I'll tell him and make sure he doesn't spread what I'm hiding. "Well, I had a really weird dream last night and, how do I put this... Somehow, for some reason I'm. I'm a girl!" I said staring at him with tear filled eyes.
He starred at me for a second and then wrapped his arms around me In a tight hug as I sobbed into his arm.
"There, there. It's alright." He said, not even bothering to make fun or tease me. He accepted it and that filled me with joy.

Time skip

Karma POV - She sat in front of me scrawling down notes into her small note book. She looked as pretty as ever. It had been a whole day since she had told me about the dream and how her gender had swapped, but nevertheless I still longed to hug her as I did that night. I would ask her out, I couldn't hold it back any longer. I longed to sit next to her and wrap my arms around her waist.
In short. I needed her.

Nagisa POV - It was lunch, and once again Karma approached me. His cheeks were bright red and he was nervously looking around, avoiding my stare.
"Hey Nagisa, do you reckon you would come with me for a minute. I want to show you something." He said putting a worried smile on his face.
"Sure, why not." I said watching his smile grow. He led me out of the canteen and up to a small cliff edge a few metres away from class 3-e. He sat down, legs dangling, I sat down next to him and stared at the vast view of houses and streets.
"Beautiful, isn't  it." He said, also starring at the glorious view.
"Yes it is." I said nodding slowly as he turned and looked at me. His cheeks were almost the same colour as his hair.
"Almost as beautiful as you." He said putting his warm hand on mine, it felt nice. My face heated up and my cheeks burnt from blushing.
"Nagisa, would you... Would you go out with me. I've loved you ever since I saw you, no matter what gender you are I will always love you, so please can I be your, your boyfriend." He said as his warm skin brushed over my hand. We stared  into each other's eyes and stayed like that for what felt like days.
"Karma, I just want you to know, I've always loved you. You are always so calm, kind and protective over me. Even if you do tease me and annoy me at times. Of course I will be your boyfriend... Oh, I mean girlfr..." Before I could finish Karma's lips lay on mine as he held me tightly in his arms. We had finally managed to show are feelings. And I was happier than ever.
I thought to my self... Maybe being a girl won't be too bad.

Time skip

After school I walked home with Karma hand in hand. I walked in and my mum watched as we kissed each other, the biggest mistake of my life was about to happen. "Mum, Karma and I are officially boy friend and girlfriend" realising what I had said I rushed to change my sentence but it was too late.
"Well I'm glad you finally realise you are a girl." My mum said as she picked me up and hugged me. "Now I can finally put you in pretty dresses and call you my daughter."
Oh god... What have I done!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and for those of you that haven't  watched or read Assassination Classroom. Nagisa's mother always wanted a girl but instead got a boy (Nagisa) and so you can see what is going to happen now that Nagisa is a girl. Basically she/he is in trouble.
Thanks for reading my book so far and I hope you left a like and a comment, it will really help.

I'm a Girl?! (Karma X FemNagisa)Where stories live. Discover now