Chapter 28 - Kissing your brother.

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He looked at me, completely broken.


"Ross, I just need some time..."

"Scarlett, this week has felt like years. I need you so bad!"

"Ross, we can't be together ! Not until it all stops..."

"Til what stops?"

"The bullying!"




"Ross, I'm not trying to hu-"


I then found myself on the floor. Now, don't get the wrong idea, he didn't hit me or anything. He kinda lunged at me and I fell off the counter.

But, before I could get up, Riker was picking me off the floor and Rocky was grabbing Ross.

"WHATS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Rydel screamed.

"I swear nothing happened! We were just arguing." Ross said sounding insanely scared.

"Then why is Scarlett on the floor!" Ratliff pushes Ross back.

"I fell off the counter! I swear Ross didn't touch me!"

The room filled with yells, no one was even listening to me. Riker held me tight. Like he was trying to protect me. I couldn't take the yelling anymore.


The room got silent, and everyone stared at me.

"Nothing happened between me and Ross. Can we all just calm down and go swimming?"

Once everyone was calm. We all went to the back and started to get in the pool.

All the guys were jumping in and Rydel and I were about to go tanning. I pulled off my shirt slowly, then my shorts. And I instantly felt eyes on me. I didn't bother turning around, I just looked at Rydel and said.

"The guys are staring?"


We both giggled, as we applied sun tan lotion. Just then, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

"Hey gorgeous."

Rocky laughed as her pulled me closer to him.

"Hi Rocky."

He let go and I turned to see where Ross was. He was standing on the diving board, fist clenched. When he noticed me looking, he did a front flip into the water.

I looked at Rydel who shrugged. And we both laid down on our chairs.

I was reading a magazine when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ross.



He looked down.

"I'm really sorry about screaming.. It's just... I've never felt like this before... And I- I don't know. I'm not used to rejection. "

I giggled a bit.

"It's okay Ross."

"I understand you need time, and I'm willing to wait."

I felt my face heat up.

"Thank you Ross."

"We cool?" He asked with both arms out, waiting for me to hug him.

I leaned into his arms, and we hugged.

"We're cool."

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, he smiled, and went back to the pool.

After about 20 minuets of tanning and talking with Rydel, Rocky had came back over.

"Hey, Scarlett? Can we talk for a second?"

I nodded and followed Rocky to a picnic table that was a bit away from everyone else.

"What's up?"

I sat down on the table and Rocky say by me.

"You know, Ross really likes you."

"I know.." I looked at the ground. "Your point?"

"Just saying he likes you."

"I don't know why."

"I do."

I looked up at Rocky confused.

"If this is some sort of "help my brother get the girl back" I swear I'll-"

"No! It's not that."

"Then what?"

"I'm just saying.. I know why he likes you."

Rocky pushed himself closer to me.


He chuckled. "Well, you're beautiful Scarlett, funny and sweet. You're every guys dream girl."

Before I knew it, his face was really close to mine. Every word he spoke I could feel his breath on my lips.

"N-no i-I'm not."

"Yes, you are... Any guy would be lucky to have you." He winked.

I swallowed hard and he bit his lip.

"Why don't you want to be with Ross?"

He backed away a little, which made me sigh of relief.

"I want to be with Ross, I just can't. I can't be with anyone famous.. I- I don't fit in like that.. "

"So, you wouldn't be able to be with me?"

He smirked.

"Rocky, you're like my big brother.. That's creepy."



He laughed.

Then suddenly... He cupped my face.. Leaned in, and gave me a small light peck on my lips about 2 seconds long.


I screamed pulling back. My face was beat red and we both new it.

Rocky and I just... We just kissed...



What will happen with Scarlett and Rocky?

Why did Rocky kiss her?

Can it really be counted as a kiss, it was only a peck?

Lol, find out NEXT CHAPTERR!

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