Chapter 1

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Jade's POV
Hello. My name is Jade Collins. I'm 18, and yeh that's it...
(If you don't know my background story, read my previous chapter for a filler ;) )
As you know, after I broke up with him, life hasn't been the same. I cried myself to sleep every night, wishing everything could go back to when I had not discovered the terrifying secrets kept from me by him. I used to cut myself every night, and almost suceeded once in a suicide attempt, but was luckily saved by my neighbour and has not attempted a suicide attempt since then. I even went to the therapists for help with my condition, which is actually very severe.
At the time, I fled Maryland immediately for London, trying to escape the terrible fate which had been laid right there in front of me, begging for attention like a whining pet. I studied business there, and finance, and even law, attempting to do some busy stuff to clear my mind off him, and not let the tears seep into my eyes once more.
I knew, for once, I had to be strong. I had no one to protect me now, and I have to survive by myself, battling with my emotions that always consume me every night, exhausting my entire being to the point where I don't even want to acknowledge the point that I'm still living. It was time to grow out of my shell, and stop hiding behind the lines and being shy.
I have hid from everyone in London for three years, and had absolutely NO CONTACT, ZERO CONTACT with my family. I don't even consider my friends 'friends' now, since they all... Betrayed me. I have no friends here in London, just acquaintances, since I have always and always will be a loner.
However, it is now time to return to Maryland and stop being a prissy. Over these three years, I have changed drastically, from a sweet, shy girl to an always-angry woman filled with vengeance, swearing sweet revenge on those who have made her suffer through the past three years.
I hope they're ready for me, cause they don't deserve to beg for forgiveness from me when when I get my revenge.
Without another word said and thought, I purchased an airplane ticket to Maryland.
I'm very excited to see how people will react, and I know I have developed some curves and have became more beautiful, so I can't wait to see the looks of surprise on their faces when they see me! I dearly miss my loving parents, and I hope they won't be too angry when they see me. Even though I'm a different person than I was before, I'm still scared to meet Marcus, and I'm a bit insecure.
I hope everything will go well when I get there. Hopefully.

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