Chapter Twenty-Two

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(I really like this song and plus the name of it is Wolves soo...😂)

Daya's P.O.V.

Alpha Ryan. He stood right at the edge of the woods smirking at me. I squeezed Kaden's hand tighter, not being able to speak. My whole body froze up and my face showed of fear. He stared me down with his dark brown eyes. He wore his usual black leather jacket, white shirt underneath, with faded black jeans. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. The shock that he is not dead is eating away at me. I pry that my kidnappers aren't here.

"Daya, are you alright?" I heard Kaden say from beside me wondering why I froze up.

All of the things that he has ever done to me came back and it hit me hard. He raped me, beat me and treated me like I was a piece of gum on the bottom of his shoe. Suddenly that fear turned into anger.

I balled up my fist, trying to control myself from doing something stupid.

Kaden looked in the direction I was looking in and a fierce growl erupted from him bringing me out of my trance. I looked around and saw pack members running out of the house trying to see what was wrong and the Royals got out of the limo with worried expressions.

Then a similar howel was let out like on the day of the attack on my old pack. A howel of war.

"Warriors get ready for a fight. Women who are unable to fight take yourself and the children to the safe house." Kaden shouted out order after order and everyone ran around calmly getting into position.

Warriors lined up beside Kaden who was face to face with a smirking Ryan, some shifted some didn't. There was no children running around playing anymore. It was silent, besides the pounding of paws
comming from the woods.

"What's going on?" My mother asked Kaden, taking me by hand and pulling me in between her and my father. It was almost like they were trying to shield and protect me from whatever was coming.

"Alpha Ryan. Get her out of here" Kaden seethed with hatred, his eyes turning black from anger.

"We show no mercy. They stepped on our land. They threatened your Luna. They must die!" Kaden declared to his pack and they all cheered and got into fighting stances.

"Yeah! Let's beat some ass!" I heard James yell out. A few people chuckled before getting back into position.

My parents were about to push me into the car before a familiar voice spoke up from the distance.

"Leave so soon my Queen. The fun has just started. The other Royals are here also. Killing two birds with one stone or maybe six." Ryan taunted.

He stood about ten feet away from us with a group of wolves behind him. But I'm sure we have more. Kaden growled, daring him to come closer.

"Fuck you." I spoke up loudly surprising him and everyone around me. I stood up from by the car walked next to Kaden taking his hand in mine.

"I see you grew some balls while staying here. I miss my sweet little Daya doesn't talk back and does as I say. I really miss being in bed with you." He chuckled while smirking at Kaden. Thats all it took for Kaden to loose his shit.

Kaden burst out into his wolf and attacked Ryan. Before Kaden got to him he shifted into his. Their wolves  were about the same size, but Kaden's was bigger. As soon as they started everyone else started. I felt my arm being pulled back and I looked to see my brother's mate, Bella, and my mother pulling me in the direction of the safe house.

"I can't leave him here." I said to them.

"He would want you safe Daya. Come. Please." My mother begged.

I looked around to see various wolves fighting and I recognised one of them as Destiny's. Of course, she is the Lead female warrior. She was fighting off two wolfs, but she looked as though she needed a little help.

Let me take control. Cora spoke through my head. I nodded.

"I have to help." I told Bella and my mother. They gave up heading towards where the women and children were. I watched until I saw them disapear into the building.

I closed my eyes waiting for the shift. My bones cracked and I felt my body beginning to transform. It hurt but not as bad as my first times. Once on four paws, I let my wolf take control rushing over to Destiny. My wolf tackled one of the wolfs bitting down on it's neck until it snapped.

My wolf turned our head towards Destiny giving her a wolfie grin. She returned it before rushing over to another fight. I looked around for anyone else I could help and found Ryan on top of Kaden snapping at his neck. My wolf ran over and pushed Ryan off letting out a furious growl.

Ryan tumbled over giving Kaden the chance get up. Kaden looked at me and I could tell he is angry that I'm here. He shook his head and attacked Ryan once again.

What caught my attention was a body laying on the ground breathing heavily with blood over her. Emma. I ran over to her, shifting back into my human form.

"Oh my Goddess. Emma!" I yelled tears springing into my eyes.

"Te-Tell Liam I love him." She stuttered with tears rolling down the side of her face. I sobbed pulling her head to my lap.

"Your not going to die Emma. Moon Goddess please save her. Please." I cried hard. I could see the life draining from her eyes and I frantically looked around not knowing what to do.

She closed her eyes and I couldn't control myself anymore. I let out a ear splitting scream, my whole body shook of anger. I felt the ground shaking and I kept screaming. I felt my body rising in the air and the wind blowing through my hair. I looked down a Emma tears still rolling down my face.

I felt like I was in this big bubble in the sky and all I wanted to do was avenge my best friend. I looked down at all of the people to see everyone watching me. I looked at the people who weren't apart of my pack and everything in me snapped.

I reached my hand out towards those people and watch them all fall down one by one. All of their heads snapped to the side and their bodies lay lifeless. I continued to do that pointing my hands to all of the people and wolfs who were fight against us. Then my hand traveled to a shocked Ryan.

I let out one final scream before I fell.


(1209 words)

I will update again  Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday OR earlier...

I hope you all like it😆 I write as I go so sorry if the updates take long.
(Not Edited At All)

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