Day 27

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Ok. This chapter is just a little something different that I made up. I thought it'd be funny to show what goes through their heads as they message each other.


"Oh my god, he messaged me again. Ummmm. Say something! But not too fast, don't wanna seem eager. But don't wait too long!!!! He might think you don't wanna talk!!"


"...Maybe she's not talking today- whoa!! That scared me. Ok... Um... But what could that mean?! No! You're taking too long! Write something fast!"


"Oh! New message. Ugh. This is so frustrating. Dang it Mark, WHY IS THIS SO CRYPTIC!!!"


"Aaaaannddd send. Wait- no! I didn't mean that!!"


"Wait, what?!"




"Oh... naw. He fixed it."


"She's not responding..."


"What should I say to that?!"


"Oh no."


"Aw heck no. Is this what I think it is? ...FRICK. IT IS!"


"No silence! Silence means death!"


"So help me we are not leaving on an awkward silence! Say something! But what should I say?! Aaaghh! Everything I try to put down sounds so creepy or overbearing!"


"This needs to stop being awkward, like right now. Hmm... SUBJECT CHANGE!!"


"Am I still running? Um- typo?! But- what- what could it mean?! How do I respond if I-aAAaaaAgGggHhhH!!!"




"Wait, am I coming?"


"Bad move! She's still mad! Why'd I ask her that?! That, of all things?!"


"Can I even still cancel the tickets?!"


"I could've said: 'Bad time for bombings, amiright?' AND IT WOULD BE LESS OFFENSIVE THAN WHAT I DID JUST NOW."


...I-I can't cancel them. Oh my god! I'M COMING IN THREE DAYS!!!"




"I have to pack!!"


"My house is a mess!!! I didn't think she'd still come!! Aaaggghh!!"


"IthinkI'mhavingameltdownwhydidn'tIthinkaboutthisearlierwhenIfirstgotmadathim- wait....He hasn't messaged back."


"Aaaghgghhhdjfrbaefervvfcnxanacpdpqiwugtmc,skakvhtiejskblgpdkshcbzbaurobk- WAIT. I didn't reply!!!! Yes! Yes, its fine! I want you to come still!"


"Waaaaaaaaa. He's probably deciding which way to cuss me ouuuuutttt!! Waaaaaahaaahaaaa. Ack! Message! ...Yes. He's fine with me coming anyway, even after the terrible things I've said... Waaaahaaaaahaaaaaa..."


"...Oh no...I wrote that reply in all caps...Oh heck no...Oh heck no!!! Now I look waaaaaayyy too eager.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................frick."


"Waaaaaaaaaahaaaaaa!! *sniff* He's just so nice, and, and, he's willing to put up with all my crap! *sniff* You're such a good friend, Mark!! Waaaaaahahaaaha!!"


"Whew. Fixed it. Now I don't look like an angry, emotional mongoose begging for a human's touch."


"*sniff* Such a nice person. *sniff*"


"...But now I look like a stone faced robot that's main objective is to be emotionally devoid. Oh, and to take over the world! Need to fix! Now!"




"Welp. Screw my life."


"Wait a second. *sniff* How am I gonna get to his house? Is he gonna pick me up from the airport?




"...Hello? Transportation?"




"But is he going to pick me up, or not?"




"Kay then. I guess I'm excited!"


"She's happy! Yaaaayyy!!!"


"Talk later Mark."


"Bye-bye (Y/N)."




"I love you."

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