Day 14

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randomchick: Once upon a time...

markimoo: yay. Another one of these

randomchick: There was a wild Mark

markimoo: my expectations are already infinitely high.

randomchick: Good. Keep them that way.

markimoo: will do

randomchick: The wild Mark liked cliffs. He loved sitting on the edge of them, and staring at the vast ocean beyond.

markimoo: ooh

randomchick: But one day...

randomchick: The wild Mark slipped.

markimoo: nooooooo!

randomchick: But he caught the edge, so he was ok.

markimoo: whew.

randomchick: But the wild Mark missed weight day at the gym! And his grip was too wimpy! So he still fell anyway!

markimoo: nooooooo!

randomchick: So he fell.

randomchick: And fell.

randomchick: And fell.

randomchick: And fell.

markimoo: and?!

randomchick: And fell some more.

markimoo: what happened then?!

randomchick: He died. The end.




markimoo: f u!

randomchick: Ahahahahahahaha!

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