Day 20

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markimoo: you have no idea how bored i was without you!

randomchick: Aww. You missed me that much?

markimoo: yes!

randomchick: Well it's good to know that I am appreciated.

markimoo: do not leave me! EVER AGAIN.

randomchick: Silly! I would never leave you.

markimoo: promise?

randomchick: Promise.


Jamie looked up from his book. They had been talking all day. Ever since they had gotten back. The whole time, it was just her and him, talking. She hadn't even spoken a word to Jamie. He put his book down on the table and rested his hands on it, thinking. Finally, he spoke.

"Love? Um... can we talk?" (Y/N) looked up from her computer, grinning.

"Sure." She typed something, then pressed enter. Putting the computer on the side table, she walked over to the bar where Jamie had been sitting. "What do you want to talk about?" Jamie bit his lip.

"Hon... I feel like you've been distanced lately." (Y/N) looked at him strangely.

"How so?" Jamie stared at (Y/N).

"Well, theres really no specific thing. It just feels that, overall, we haven't done much together." She cocked her head to the side.

"We just went on a trip together, Jamie!" He wrung his hands.

"Yes..." He paused, and glanced at (Y/N)'s computer. "...because I thought you might... um..." (Y/N) waited eagerly, guesturing him on. " spending a little too much time on your laptop." Now it was her turn to look at her device.

"But I've always been on my computer. You've never voiced this problem with it before..." Jamie scratched the back of his neck.

"Frankly, I thought you might be in love with someone else... (Y/N)." (Y/N) was tacken aback.

"What? What gave you that idea?!" Jamie shook his head. He gave one last look at her computer, then let out a sigh.

"...Um...uh...Nothing, I suppose. It was probably just my imagination." (Y/N) smiled, then kissed him sweetly.

"I only have eyes for you."

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