Day 21

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randomchick: And he never stays out this late!!

markimoo: calm down!

randomchick: And he never goes out for drinks! Why would he just decide to today?!

markimoo: (Y/N)! I'm sure he is fine! Please, just calm down.

randomchick: Oh Mark if anything were to happen to him I would just...

markimoo: hey hey! Just breathe. he's probably on his way now.

randomchick: But what if he isnt?

randomchick: What if he's drunk?! He isnt a good drinker!

randomchick: What if he decided to drive, and- and-...

markimoo: (Y/N)!!

markimoo: You. Are. Hysterical.

markimoo: take a deep breath for me.

randomchick: O-ok.

markimoo: feeling better?

randomchick: A little bit...

markimoo: ok, just keep doing that. Sheesh. (Y/N), you scare me sometimes.

randomchick: Really?

markimoo: yeah. i dont know what i would do if you got hurt

randomchick: How would I even mean that much to you? We haven't even met yet.


markimoo: it feels like we have.


markimoo: it feels like we've known each other for a million years


Jamie burst through the door, wobbling in it's frame. (Y/N) got up so fast that her computer fell of of her lap and onto the floor.

"Jamie! Oh my god you're ok!" Jamie gave one long look at the fallen computer. "Jamie you look terrible! How did you get back?!" Jamie still stared at the glowing screen.

"I took a cab." (Y/N) stepped closer to him.

"What did you say? I didn't catch that." Jamie finally turned to (Y/N), sudden anger in his eyes.

"I took a cab, (Y/N)! Listen the first time!!" She winced, backing up a little. Jamie stepped fully into the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

"Jamie, where were you?" He ignored her, going to sit at the kitchen table.

"Talking to Mark, were you?" (Y/N) glanced at her computer confusedly, then back at Jamie.

"Yes. But what does that have to do-"

"So you dont love me anymore?" (Y/N) shook her head.

"Of course I love you! What gave you that assumption?!" Jamie glared at her.

"You're always talking to Mark, and never to me. You're even going to visit him soon." He slammed his fists down on the table. "I'm fed up with being your boyfriend!" (Y/N) started breathing heavily, shaking her head.

"No. That's- that's not true! I love you Jamie!" Jamie scoffed.

"But you love him more." (Y/N) cowered under Jamie's gaze.

"No..." Jamie nodded, the anger suddenly gone, replace with sadness.

"It's true, (Y/N). He has stolen all of your love. He has taken my girl away from me." He broke down, crying. "He is more than just a friend to you. Even if you don't think so. I'm no longer the only man in your eyes." He attemped to get up, but was too off-balance. He sat back down in his seat, staring straight ahead.

"Jamie... Jamie this is just- just you being drunk." (Y/N) helped him to his feet. Jamie gave her a blank look.

"Why do you think I went do the bar in the first place?" (Y/N) stood in front of him as he walked, pleading.

"No...I still love you! Please, please believe me!" Jamie almost fell over again, so (Y/N) grabbed his arm to keep him steady.

"Don't touch me, (Y/N)." Jamie pushed (Y/N) to the ground. Undeterred, she grabbed his arm again. "I said, dont touch me!" He pushed her again, then slapped her in the face. She fell on her hands and knees, hair sticking to her wet cheeks. Jamie walked into the bedroom, slamming the door. (Y/N) sobbed loudly, holding her face in her hands. She crawled onto the couch, hugging her knees to her chest.


markimoo: it feels like we've known each other for a million years



markimoo: (Y/N)?


markimoo: is he back?

markimoo: what happened?

markimoo: hello?




markimoo: (Y/N)?

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