"That's insane... who against? I really wanna see her against that Fire Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail... Or even that Lightning one who beat Jura... Such a feat!"

His golden orbs blare with emotional rage, snapping towards Shinju who instantly shivers and a bead of sweat travels over her temple. "Now, why would I spoil the excitement?" He tilts his head in a strange tilt with double meaning before turning his gaze back to the arena floor. "Now quiet. I'm here to watch, not talk with you's."

"Okay competitors! Now that you're all in position, we need you all to stay still!" Mato exclaims, standing directly in the centre of the large circle. Nata standing in front of Sabertooth's booth with her arms extended and a worry free grin. On her left, Juvia, while on her right is Chelia.

Nata yelps, jumping on instinct as purple flecked magic circles slowly materialise beneath each competitor, expanding out before the ground rattles and podiums of sand slowly begin raising them into the air. "These things aren't sturdy at all..." The god slayer grumbles, legs parted to hold a strict stance in order to stay standing. "This craps almost like quick sand!?" She shrieks, leaping from foot to foot, trying to stop the sudden sinking.

"It's only going to get worse when she starts using magic... The sand will deepen in colour and become a different texture." Miki mutters, narrowing his eyes. "The podiums can also be easily destroyed which heightens the stakes and the concentration is essential." The golden orbs are suddenly rolled, "This is taking a lifetime to set up, for fuck sake."

"You can do it Yukino!" Lector cheers to the white haired celestial mage of Sabertooth whose' planted in front of the Mermaid Heel booth. "Fro cheers too!" The small frogs' head turns towards the Thundering Fenrir's booth and finding Miki standing alone with both his paws wrapped around a metal crusted, star shaped discs.

"That's no fair! How come you're not sinking!?" Nata whines, glancing towards Chelia who turns gaze from Wendy. A sudden tremor violently shakes the podiums as a sudden mass of podiums sudden materialise throughout the arena floor, all different sizes and heights. Mato, standing strong with a microphone in the centre which is higher than the rest.

"Eurgh!" Chelia falls down on her bum, grinning tightly from the force that caused her to stumble.

"Seems Juvia is in the same position as you..." The water mage of fairy tail murmurs, but not seeming too worried that her feet are sinking into the sand which is turning from its honey gold and yellow to the deeper shades to indicate their watery magic.

"Well competitors! When the gong is hit, a timer shall begin, counting down from one minute. After this once minute, it's a twenty nine minute battle to knock your enemies off the podiums by using magic or knock them unconscious. The game will end when only one remains or the timer runs out!"

"It seems Yukino has an advantage." Sting grins, raising his hands to rest behind his neck with his elbows pointed outwards, "Libra is going to knock them off super quickly and Pisces will be a force to be reckoned with."

"No-one will have a specific target, so it's a free for all!" Mato calls out, "However, this event has a twist! As you can se-..."

"FROSCHE!" Rogue yells, his voice travelling far as its probably the loudest he's been heard out of battle and in public compared to his normally calm, quiet yet edgy demeanour – the name silencing Mato. Some screens suddenly flickering to him as he watches frozen as Frosche has wondered over to a still silent Miki and stood at his side.

"Would you look at that... That little exceed has no fear." Saki grins, nudging her husband who looks towards the two exceeds. "He reminds me of a young Michiko, don't you think so?"

The Senseless Dragon Slayer ( A Fairy Tail Fanfiction - OC )Where stories live. Discover now