
Our coach and our other classmates agree also... and in the end Ming is assign as a team captain...

''okay that the end of our meeting for today...Ming seeme in the office to fill up something...''

''okay P' I'll just follow...''

When my classmates and our coach vacated the area... he headlock me the friendly way...


''awh..awh...'' I was laughing so hard I know Ming doesn't to show off every time but he needed it this time...

''you never help me...you freak..'' he help me fix myself after he tickles and head lock me...

''what are rumbling about it is just a position...''



''are you going to be okay if I left you alone for a while...I just needed to follow the coach...''

''okay...i am just going to practice..''

Ming brought his bag with him and I brought mine also at the field I am practicing a defenced tactic when I tripped ...

''ahhhh...'' I involuntarily sit because of the unbearable... Pain...from my ankle...

I did massage it slowly...so that it can be relieved...just a little....i am serious by what I am doing when I surprisingly flinch because a hand touch my ankle and I know it is not mine I slowly raise my head to know who is the reckless human being that decides to risk his life to touch the body of the youngest son of the Panichjayasawad Household....

''It must hurt so badly... are you dumb... you should immediately put some ice so that it will not swell like this....''

''P'?'' I am surprise why is he here... did he saw me getting tripped...

''how will you play if you've hurt yourself... can you stand?''


''it will good if you can sit there so that you will be comfortable while we put some ointment...''

''ohhhh...'' I know I am blushing....

''are you okay you just tripped but why your face is so red....do you have fever...we can go to the clinnn....''

''I am okay...it must be the weather and I feel tired also...'' I cut him off because I am totally embarrassed right now...


I tried to stand and I was surprised that he held me by the waist....

''careful you might worsen your ankle...come you sit here...''

I hold my breath trying to stop myself in clinging to him like a monkey... I still need to act that I was not affected at all by his mere presence...

''here we go...'' he helps me to sit comfortable then he searches his bag for something...''it here...I will apply some ointment so just sit there''

I carefully watch him he is very handsome and he is much taller than me...i bet he has a girlfriend now.. a boy like him might not be available...I was internally sulking by that idea when I hear my phone ring...

It is my best friend Ming...

''yo are you still in school...'' I think twice to answer if I answer him that I am still here he will be worried because he will see me with my injured ankle...so I will lie to him...

''no I am at home already...''I cross my fingers praying not to be caught...

''ohh...I thought so the coach did not let me go until I finish everything...so see yah tomorrow...''

''okay...'' and the call ends...

''you lied to your friend...why?''

''I don't want him to worry...''

''you two are so close...''

''he is my best friend...''

''oh...it's done now...''

I move my ankle and it is such a relief that he put some ointment...

''thank you...''

'' so how will you go home now...''


''you don't have a driver?''

''he is on a holiday...'' I answered him and I thought he walks away because it became silent when I notice him sitting in front of me his back face me..

''go finish fixing your things I will piggyback you.....''


Oh oh.......

See you next time....




YOU & IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora