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Interview of SassInThereromance first place winner.
Writer of "The Orientalist Love Affair"

1. What is your name, or the name you go by on Wattpad?

So my name is Sass but I go as SassInThere here in wattpad

2.How old are you, if you feel comfortable sharing?

Awesome, congrats!

3.How long have you been writing, and what inspired your first story?

I have been writing short stories (really mediocre ones) for as long as I can remember, but just recently I wanted a challenge, and see how I could mold my degree into my story. That's how my first story came to be because I was studying a black and white old movie that I thought it would be perfect to re-write into today's chaotic world.

4.How long have you been on Wattpad?

I was a reader for one year until I found my story, which I started around spring

5.How many books/stories have you written; or how many do you plan to write as of now?

I would love to keep writing forever, however, right now I'm focusing on this one story. So just one novel for now among lots of discarded short stories that I won't publish. Hopefully, once I find some clue to start a new story idea, I'll be able to share them here.

6.Can you tell us a little bit about your winning story? Also, what inspired it?

So my story is a re-telling of 1921 'The Sheik' movie starring Rodolfo Valentino. My dissertation is based on orientalism so when I saw it, I wondered how I could re-tell it within a contemporary setting post-9/11. However, it's set in the future. So blurred is the future that it could be anytime. The novel starts with Olivia, a Spanish UN ambassador who meets Karim, the oil prince of Sunnistan. The story is set in an imaginary new nation that rose from The Reconstruction, a new resolution that was implemented after the ashes of the third world war. Sunnistan is at the bridge of a resurgence of another civil war, so Olivia finds herself stranded in the middle of the desert, just like the heroine of 'The Sheik', however, unlike the story, she will save herself. The story also stars other characters, like Besharat who seeks a way to voice her Islamic religious beliefs. I'm trying to bring a lot of different voices and people into this story, for now we have only heard of Karim, Olivia and Besharat.

7.How do you stay inspired to write?

I try to research. Research always sparks my inspiration, it gives me something to write about, even if it's about just food or an amulet. I keep my academic books near my writing desk. It even helps me study. Even when I don't write, I try to spend time editing small bits, even if it's only a paragraph. And coffee, definitely coffee, I'm an addict, it gives me the food brain to write.

8.Do you have any advice for beginning or struggling writers, or just writing in general?

Don't discard any material. Not a single bit. Everything can be used in the future, you just need to edit it. And never be discouraged, don't do like me. I didn't write as a teen because a teacher told me that my stories weren't good enough. Now I realize that I should have believed in myself. There's always room for improvement, so never stop.

9.What are some of your favorite books/stories/poems/ect.?

The Scarlet Letter is my favorite classic. I love every convoluted word that Nathaniel Hawthorne uses. Also, Rumi's poetry is my favorite. From wattpad I really like simonesaidwhat Fairytale Series, specifically the second installement called 'Arabian Nights,' it breaks molds. But my biggest inspiration is Alifa Rifaat's collection of short stories 'Distant View from the Miranet'. It was a life changer.

10. Is there anyone you would like to thank/mention? Who has helped you the most along your writing journey?

I wanted to give a shout out to Vicorva who is also a winner of Galaxy Book Contest. She is the nicest and a great writer, her story gives me goosebumps!
And of course, all the great academic writers that don't stop fueling my brain with knowledge. Edward Said's Orientalism book changed my mind, and I own him my book's title.

#Is there anything else you would like to have included in your interview?

I think it's perfect! Thank you so much for your effort! It was great.

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