Fatal Encounter

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Chapter Three

In an instant, Blackwell Academy had been drowned and drenched in the sounds of cheering and clapping, while students scampered and scurried towards the classroom doors, as screams and squeals echoed and bounced off of the walls, because the weekend was sacred and significant to a teenager's healing process from all those tests and quizzes, but the weekend just meant more studying and reviewing over course materials for you since the counselor accepted and approved of your request to transfer out of Mr. Jefferson's photography class and into another. "(Y/N), I just got word of your transfer. Can we discuss about this in my classroom?" Mr. Jefferson asked, while masking an angry expression and coming closer, as you fearfully began backing away and scrutinizing the desolate deserted hallways for Nathan. "Come on, (Y/N)! Can't you spare a few minutes? I mean, I would love to know the reason my best student transferred out."

Immediately, Mr. Jefferson had strode and stepped forward, while wrapping and weaving his arm around you, as you began being steered and shepherded unwillingly towards his classroom, because he just wouldn't take no for an answer, but he wasn't wining anytime soon since and you were going to make sure of that promise. "Sir, I'm so sorry! But, I don't have time to talk," you said, while being practically pushed inside of the classroom, as you secretly speed dialed Nathan and threw the phone back inside of your backpack before turning around. "I had promised to meet up with a friend."

However, Mr. Jefferson had continued disregarding and dismissing your protests, while constantly coming closer and cornering you against the wall, as you began desperately pleading and praying for Nathan to come and save you. "Why would you do that to me? Why would you leave me, (Y/N)? You have talent. And, I had promised to lead you to greatness," Mr. Jefferson asked, while tightly clutching your shoulders, as you started sobbing and squirming around with the hope of escaping. "I've seen you running around with that pathetic and pitiful Prescott boy. You're a talented young man. Why are prancing around with trash, then?"

Without hesitation, Mr. Jefferson had begun stroking and soothing your (H/C) locks, while muttering and mumbling about how he could take Nathan's place, as he happened to be far more experienced and accomplished than a boy. "Ew, gross! Get off of me! You're disgusting and repulsive and I'm in love with only Nathan Prescott, not some old and perverted man like you!" you cried out, while becoming slapped right across the face, as you stumbled and staggered onto the tile floors. "Scratch that! You're an old, perverted, and psychotic man! I hope you burn in hell!"

Fortunately, Nathan had heard the things transpiring through the phone call and took off running, while barging and bursting through the classroom doors, as you exhaled a breath of relief and crawled towards him on your hands and knees. "What the fuck did you do to him?! I had already told you! (Y/N) is mine and off limits, bastard!" Nathan screamed, while plucking you up into his arms bridal style, as you wiped blood away from the corner of your lips. "Stay away from (Y/N)! Or, I'll have you buried like this entire fucking town!"

Upon turning around, Nathan had begun profusely apologizing over and over again to you, while he carried you towards the boys' dormitory, as you drenched and doused his red jacket in teardrops. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry! Wait, what is that? Your lip is bleeding. Let me see it," Nathan asked, while gently grabbing your chin and dabbing the small gash with an alcohol pad, but then he stopped and kissed you on the lips. "He hit you, didn't he?! I'll fucking kill him!"

In a moment, Nathan had begun striding and stomping towards the bedroom door, while fear and panic consumed you, as you crawled out of bed and hugged him from behind. "Please stop, Nate! Violence won't solve anything," you said, while shutting and locking the bedroom door, as he groaned and flopped down on the bed with you in his arms. "Let's just go to sleep. I'm exhausted, anyway." 


A/N: What do you think? Leave me your thoughts!

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