"Really?" Baekhyun questioned as he stared at Luhan, wondering if it was all a ploy.

"Yes, really, I have a lot of money on me right now," he answered right after.

Baekhyun slowly sat up, patting down his hair as he folded his legs and sat, smiling a little. "Well what are we waiting for, then?"


Luhan hadn't been kidding when he said 'someplace real nice'.

The brunet found himself nearly gaping when he first saw the low-hanging chandelier; an ornament that hung right after the fancy swinging entrance doors.

The floor was made entirely out of polished marble, and each seat accompanying the ebony tables had a comfy cushion for the diners to enjoy.

Luhan decided to choose a place before Baekhyun decided to spend the entire evening staring, ordering a table for two and being led there shortly after. The two sat down promptly without another word, the older man picking up a menu as if he did it every day. The second half of the duo tried to seem as casual as the other, but he couldn't help feeling as if all his attempts were in vain.

Baekhyun looked around the restaurant further, sinking down into his seat upon realizing how underdressed he was compared to the people around him. Luhan, noticing his friend's unusual behavior, mirrored his action, seeing if there was anything wrong with where they were seated.

"What's up?" his blonde haired friend asked, still trying to find anything out of the ordinary around them.

"Ah, it's nothing," Baekhyun said, drawing his attention from the expensive jackets and shining jewelry around them and back onto the menu, eyes widening when they saw the prices of the meals.

"Baek, I've known you for years, and you still don't think I can see that it isn't nothing?" he refuted, his hand reaching for the glass of water that the waiter had brought the two upon their arrival. He touched the glass to his lips as he watched his friend open and close his mouth, as though unsure if he should say something.

"I just... feel weird being here," the brunette finished, not taking his eyes off of the menu.

"What do you mean?" Luhan questioned, eyebrows furrowing together at his best friend's remark.

"Everyone in here looks so nice, and I... well..." Baekhyun trailed off, looking down at his jeans and yellow t-shirt, Luhan's eyes following them there as well.

Luhan rolled his eyes at his action. "Shut up, Baek. You look fine."

"I just feel underdressed, that's all," he said, still avoiding eye contact.

Luhan let out an amused laugh. "This coming from the guy who wore a tux t-shirt to our senior prom?"

Baekhyun's face grew red at his friend's comment. To everyone's knowledge, Baekhyun had been ecstatic about wearing that shirt to prom, but who wouldn't be happy wearing the finest tux that you could afford?

"Come on, you can talk to me," Luhan said, tone softening and head lowering, trying to get the attention of the man sat across from

"I guess the right word would be more... underclass?" he said quietly, a sad laugh following suit.

"Baekhyun, look at me," Luhan softly commanded. "No one here cares what you look like. The customers here are too busy with themselves, and the servers only care about... well, to put it one way, they don't care if you look like a million bucks, they just care that you have it."

To that, Baekhyun only grew frustrated. "But I don't have a million bucks. I don't even have a hundred."

Luhan froze, a little taken aback that Baekhyun was suddenly bringing up his financial standing.

Baekhyun continued on, "You're lucky enough to have parents who have enough money and are willing to spend it all on you—"

"Woah woah woah, where did you get the idea that my parents are sponsoring me?" Luhan said, cutting Baekhyun off before he could continue.

"Come on, Lu. You constantly go on vacations alone, have high quality clothing, and you're able to afford eating in places like this," Baekhyun finished, gesturing to the dimly-lit, expensively decorated setting around them.

"Well, I'll have you know that being able to be here—" Luhan started, imitating Baekhyun's gestures, "—had nothing to do with my parents money. They cut me off when I turned eighteen. But anyways, I said I can cover this meal, so don't worry about it."

Baekhyun sighed, clearly put off by what his best friend had told him. "But you can't pay for my food every time I want to eat. And besides, I need money to pay for my own things, too."

"Well, if you're looking for easy money on the side, I do know one way..." Luhan trailed off, breaking eye contact, clearly hinting for his friend to inquire more about the topic.

"How? I'll really try almost anything," the brunet said, looking straight into the blond-haired male's eyes.

Luhan looked back into his eyes, searching for any hesitation in the latter's. After not finding any, he continued on.

"You could get a sugar daddy."

Sugar Puppy | ChanbaekWhere stories live. Discover now