Chapter 1: Strawberry Shake

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Even thought it was only midway through summer, their was an undeniable chill in the air.Like the faint whisper that fall was coming. The nights grew colder and the days grew shorter,but it was just a pre-mandated cycle of life to me.

Walking down the weed overrun sidewalk I fall into a rhythm.






I enter the restaurant and the unlucky cashier stuck with a night shift was snoozing on the counter.

I hesitate at the front door before Closing the door again deciding that my milkshake was more important then the guilt I felt for waking this guy up.

Selfish,I know.

Tapping him lightly on his shoulder I wait patiently for him to wake up fully.

"How may I help you" he says through a yawn

"I'll have a large strawberry milkshake" Digging down in my pocket I retrieve a crumpled five dollar bill.

I wait patiently for a ticket and sit at the booth farthest from the entrance.

Wedging myself into the corner of the booth that meets the window I absently look around the restaurant. The flickering neon accompanied by the fluorescent lights making it painfully bright. The black and white checkered linoleum tiles shiny-er than usual.The red booths cracking revealing there yellow innards.

The steady din of the freezer and the barely noticeable scratching sound made when loose dirt slides along the surface of the window is enough to lull anyone to sleep.

It almost made me drowsy.


Tapping my nails against the table I glance at a clock.

1:45 A.M

I feel no triumph in staying up this late. Not the giddiness you felt as a kid staying up past your bedtime. I just felt this restless yearning deep inside me to just.


My thoughts dissipate as my strawberry milkshake is placed in front of me—in a mug?

I look up at the waiter questioningly but he just offers an unhelpful shrug.

As I take a sip of my drink the door opens and in a stranger with a red hat.

He seemed on edge.

Constantly shifting his weight from foot to foot throwing worried glances behind him when the cashier isn't looking.

His hold on the strap of his backpack white knuckled.

He was hiding something .

Looking outside I see a vintage cherry red camero backed into the parking space.

A quick getaway.

As he turns milkshake in hand he makes eye contact with me, offering me a tight lipped smile before leaving.

I watch him hop into the vintage machine and start the engine. The vehicle coming  to life with a smooth purr. He backs out of the parking lot and disappears into the night in a cloud of rust colored dust.
I hum lightly to myself as I make my way home. When I pass Ms .Juniez' house I hear her tv and as usual she is watching The Talk. Ms.Juniez is infamous for her bad hearing and she refuses to use a hearing aid because 'you never know what they could be controlling your mind with these days.'

I make two more turns and enter my neighborhood. The first house I pass is a pastel pink monstrosity with toys scattered in the yard.Which belongs to Ms.Ramirez who has a kid for every hair on her head.

Next is Mr.Roberto's house but everyone here calls him Gus,I've never figured out why.He is a classic/muscle car fanatic and has tried getting married to his baby blue mustang that is sitting in the garage with a new coat of wax on it.

I sniff the air as I pass the Rodriguez' house. Mmm muffins. The entire Rodriguez family can cook and every night they bake muffins that one lucky neighbor will find on their porch the next morning.

After passing two more houses ,one of which belongs to the superstitious palm reader Ms.Esparza who actually happens to live in a trailer, I reach my house.

At the end of the road sits the ugly  brick structure that is my home.

I walk up the uneven concrete steps and open the screen door knocking three times for my abuelita to open the door.

"Abuelita abre la puerta"
(Granny open the door)

No one answers. I knock again.


"Darn lo abuelito no otra ves"
(Darn it granny not again)

I walk around the side of the house to the window in my room. With a little hop I get my hands on the sill and push up the window with one hand. I pull my self up into my room making sure to not yank the curtains.

I lean my head against the window for a bit. I'm so sick of getting locked out the house but I know granny cant help it,its a miracle she even still knows my name.


I let out a yelp turning to face the unfamiliar voice.Then my fear turns into ash as I recognize who the person is.

Who's Lola? The only way to find out is to read chapter two which will be posted sometime this week i hope depending on school.
Btw i used google translate for all Spanish used in the chapter so sorry of it sounds weird or anything.

Well please


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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