Trouble Makers

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Idea- Was provided by Rogue_Is_Life_ (Updated name)

Yay! Updates!! As for what you should do next, I think that seeing the after effects of the game, especially what gajeel will do to rouge, would be nice. And if you can't decide on now to do the confession, rouge doing it out of jealousy would be cute in my opinion. Just thoughts though.~yaoifangirl152

Y/n's POV

Ever since we play that game Rogue has been acting really distant. It kind of worried me.

"A penny for your thoughts because you're in your frustrated position," Shadow asked me out of the blue.

"The only way you will ever know what I am thinking about is if you read my mind, and I do not have a frustrated position," She just shook her head at me and smiled. "I bet that it is about Rogue." She teased. I started blushing then went back to reading my book upside down. Well kind of, I wasn't really actually reading. Just thinking like always.

"Ok maybe I am but that doesn't change a thing," I said before my door fell down. Bringing Sting along with it. He stood up and yelled with excitement, "Y/n lets go we have a mission with Fairy Tail." He grabbed my hand and basically dragged me off of my bed and out of my room before I could make any complaints.

"Sting why the hell are you dragging me?" I asked him and he never replied. We reached the hall and the other team was there. Their team consisted of my brother and Levy. Ii didn't see Lily until I looked over at the other Exceeds and saw him talking to them.

"Where the hell is the bastard," Gajeel yelled looking for someone. I assumed it was Rogue, and just shook my head in annoyance. I noticed that Rogue was hiding in his shadow form.

"Yah know we could tell him why that happened." I walked over to him. He came out of the shadow and stood next to me. Somehow Gajeel still didn't notice him.

"I don't think he would care. He would probably beat my ass anyway." I shrugged my shoulders. Gajeel looked over towards the corner that I was in and found the person that he was looking for.

"There you are who the hell do you think you are kissing my sister," Gajeel yelled grabbing his collar. Rogue retorted with.

"I think that I'm Rogue." Gajeel just growled raising his fist at him. Rogue glared and had shadows forming around him.

"Both of you stop and let's just get along just long enough to get through this job," I yelled over at them.

They both looked at each other and then over to me. They separated from each other and glared.

"Ok so Sting what is the job that we're going on." Shadow came in flying over towards him. He explained that we needed to find the chief of some random village's son and bring him back. The exceeds grabbed all of us and basically forced us on the train.

We all boarded and I sat down near the window and Rogue was going to sit next to me but Gajeel beat him to it.

"I sit next to my sister dumbass." I hit him on the shoulder and told him to be nice. I sent Rogue and apologetic look and he just waved it off. Levy sat a crossed from us.

"Why don't we walk we will get there..." Sting tried to put up a complaint but the train started moving. Forcing him to sit down.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

We got off the train and headed to the chiefs house. Levy went to knock on the door only to have the door swung open almost hitting her.

Black Dragon (Rogue X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang