Good Times

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Sting's POV

A few weeks after the incident the dark guild had been completely apprehended and Yukino was fine. The same thing couldn't be said for Y/n. She was still out cold with no sign that she was going to wake up soon. Everyday Rogue was sitting by Y/n's bed hoping that she would wake up.

I walked into the room to get Rouge because he needed to eat. I walked into the room finding him in the same position as last time. I put a hand on his shoulder to show that I was there.

"Hey, buddy you need to eat something. Frosh is worried about you." After I said that He looked up at me. I could see the dark circles under his eyes. I could see the despair in his eyes. He was giving up hope.

"She's going to wake up." I tried to reassure him. While still looking at me he gritted his teeth he angrily said, "You don't know that. None of this would have happened if I didn't realize what was going on. I could have stopped it."

He shouldn't have been blaming himself so I hit him across the head. "Dude snap out of it. It's not your fault, it's not mine, it's not Yukino's, it no one's fault but the dark guilds. It already happened and there is nothing that will let you go back in time to stop it, so get up, eat something, get some rest and stop acting like a sad angry teenager." I was done with the mood he was in. His eyes went wide, and he actually did what I said.

I followed him down to the bar in the guild. As creepy as it sounds I sat there watching him eat to make sure that he actually did.

"Where is Frosh?" Was the first thing he has said to me in days. "Don't worry he's with Lector in Y/n's room." All he did after that was nod and then got up. I walked with him to his room. As he got in the shower I grabbed his clothes so he could change.

"Sting Sting!!" Lector flew into the room with Frosh frantically following him. "What, what's happening?"

"Sshshs-shes awake." "What!" The bathroom door almost flew off its hinges and out came Rogue with still wet hair and only wearing a towel. He went for the door.

"I know that you're excited to see her, but first please put some clothes on." I think he just realized that he wasn't wearing anything because he looked down and then looked up and turned around and entered the bathroom.

Y/n's POV

I woke up from what felt like a short time. I saw Yukino and Shadow. Shadow was sleeping on the covers so I didn't want to wake her up. Yukino was standing while tending to my wounds.

"You're acting different, what in the world happened," I asked her not remembering what had happened after the Thanksgiving dinner.

"Well..." Yukino started to explain but I heard running footsteps and Sting yelling slow down to someone. The door didn't even open. All there was, was a shadow slipping under the door and then a crash into the door cutting off Yukino's explanation.

The door opened showing Sting and then Rogue popped out of his shadow. He looked shocked and didn't move from his position.

I held up a peace sign wave and said

"Hey, how's it going?" Sting just burst out laughing. Rogue slowly walked up to me and crouched down near my face he lifted his hand and poked my cheek.

He had an emotionless face. I looked over at Sting and Yukino trying to figure out what was wrong with Rogue.

"Umm, I think that I broke Rogue." Rogue then randomly hugged me and saying "Don't you dare leave me again." I looked at him and hugged him back.

"I'm not going anywhere any time soon, and you're kind of crushing me." He let go and gave me a look that said sorry.

"Fro missed you too." Frosh said while he flew up to me and hugged me. "I missed you to buddy. Also what in the world happened?" I asked them

"Well now that you're good we can go eat," Sting said. Of course, he would say that he is always hunger. Shadow woke up and noticed the crowd of people around her before turning around. She then joined Fro with hugging me.

"I am starving," I added trying to stand up. I wobbled a bit, almost falling over. "You have been out for weeks so it makes sense that you would be hungry, and go easy for a little bit you're not at 100% yet," Rogue said while helping me steady myself.

"You sound like my brother." I was joking with him and I noticed that he was going to say something else when Sting jumped up and yelled. "Let's Go!"

With just waking up that hurt my ears so I flinched. Rogue walked over to Sting and hit him in the back of the head and said: "Be quieter you idiot." Me and Yukino started laughing at the sight.

"Do you want to go out to a restaurant so that we can eat? Also, you should be able to go out on any jobs you want in about a week." Yukino said to me while walking over to me to take Rogue's old job of helping me not wobble. "Ok that's good to know, and yes I would love that but first we should grab the two idiots."

So we grabbed both of them and we all walked out of the guild.

"You still need to catch me up on what happened," I told them as we sat down in the booth. Rogue followed in after me so I was trapped by the window with Yukino across from me.

They all started telling the same story with different dramatics. Yukino and Rogues sounded the most accurate while Stings was supper overdramatic.

"That never happened, stop making things up," Rogue yelled at Sting when he said that he had figured out what had happened all by himself. I snickered at them.

"Actually it was Rogue that helped you the most," Yukino stated and I stopped laughing at the two. They both also quieted down. I turned to him and told him,

"My hero." Rogue turned trying to hide the fact that his face was changing to a very vibrant shade of red. Sting started to tease him about it. The lunch soon turned into a fight between the two dragon slayers, and we were kicked out of the restraint.

"Good going Rogue." Sting scowled at him and they once again started bickering like an old married couple. "Once you stop your lover's quarrel we can get a move on and head back to the guild," I told them and they looked so betrayed. They both backed up from each other and made me and Yukino stand between them. We went our separate ways. Rogue and I along with the sleeping exceeds headed up to our rooms.

"Are you sure that you're alright?" Rogue spoke up when I opened the door. I looked up and saw the concern.

"I'm fine trust me," I told him. I could tell that he didn't believe me. With reluctance, he said goodnight and left into his room.

"Well, you look cheery." I heard Shadow state. "You played being asleep very well." I glared at her playfully. She shrugged her shoulders and continued,

"I think it had something to do with Rogue." She smiled evilly. "What I have no idea to what you're talking about," I told her my face going red. "Keep telling yourself that, but that blush on your face says otherwise."

"Let's just go to bed."

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