Chapter 4

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Again, guys, we are so, so sorry for not updating in such a long time. As stated before, we had testing, and were really busy with that. From now on, we promise to update way faster, especially since summer is starting. Also, we know this chapter is short, but trust us, the upcoming chapters will be longer. We had to make this chapter small so you guys can experience the best in upcoming chapters.

Again, thanks for being patient with us and thank you for choosing this book to read! Enjoy! We promise to update much faster, since now that Summer is officially here. Sorry once again for the delay.

Chapter 4

I slowly opened my eyes. A bright light was shining directly at my face from the window overhead, so I had to shut them again. I covered my face with my hands then slowly proceeded to open my eyes for the second time. I was successful, but it was still hard to see.

I waited for the sun to go away. In about a few minutes, clouds covered the sun's rays. I placed my hand beside me as I attempted to sit up.

I began to look around. I was lying on a small bed and there was a little table next to it, with a lemonade pitcher on top. There was also a door in the corner of the room. I tried to recognize the place, but I wasn't able to identify it.

Where am I? How did I get here?

Suddenly, I heard weird sounds, reminding me of the sound a rocking chair makes on an old wooden floor. I think it was coming from a room next to mine. I silently got out of bed and tiptoed to that room in curiosity.

When I reached the room, I peeked inside and saw an old lady, laying on a rocking chair with her head laid back.

"Ah! Who are you? Where am I? What happened?" I suddenly spoke, regretting it. I woke up the old lady. She started at me. That's when I realized that she had black eyes. Not just any black eyes. The kind of black eyes that send shivers up your spine as soon as you see them.

She smiled as she began to rise from the chair.

"Hello dear. It looks like you finally woke up. How was your sleep? Oh, did you know you have been sleeping for twenty-seven hours? Oh I can imagine how tired you must be!" she exclaimed.

I wasn't ready to trust this old women. Just because she is old doesn't mean she is nice. To be honest, she looked the type of lady who would give an innocent girl a poisoned apple.

"W-Who are you?" I stuttered, something that would bring my family to shame.

A Macedonian Royal Family Member shall never stutter, I remembered my father saying.

"Why, how rude of me! I completely forgot about my manners. Please, forgive me, Vicky." At that, I took a step back and looked at her in disgust and shock.

How dare she call me Vicky! No one is allowed to call me that except for my family.

She continued talking.

"I am Madame Caroline, a noble of Macedonia. When the fire started, you were half unconscious and lucky enough to be found by a Royal Guard. He carried you to me, and we came right to my residence to take care of you. We were worried sick. Thank God you're alright."

Thank God you're alright? Who does she think she is, my mother? And Madame Caroline? Where have I heard that name before? It sounds so familiar.

That's when it hit me.

She's that old hag that Maya told me to watch out for. But how many nobles could be named Caroline in both of our kingdoms? Probably not many. It wasn't a common name in these parts. So she could be Maya's Caroline. Or she could turn out to be really nice. But I don't like anything about her, especially her black eyes that look like two deep, dark holes you could fall right into. I'm not going to believe her. I'm going to get out of here, I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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