Chapter 1

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"No! I told you a million times. I don't want to get married Father. I'm sick of you and your efforts to find someone for me. I'm not ready for a family life yet. I'm only 23 years old. I have to find myself. Stop these scandals right this instant or I refuse to speak to you forever." I huffed at my father.

"But Victoria, you have to understand. You are the princess of Macedonia. You have a big responsibility. Marrying a prince is the only way that you can get that money. You know this. Come on. Please. At least talk to Alberto."

"But father, that's what you said last time. And the time before that, and before that, and before that, and before that. You always tell me this will be the last time that some random stranger comes and kisses my hand. I'm sick of this. I don't want to get married right now, and that's final. If you try to find one more suitor, I swear I will do something that I will NOT regret..." Fuming, I stormed out of the room.

I couldn't believe him. He'd been trying to find suitors for me. I was used to it by now. But today, what he did was unthinkable. He mortified me by telling that prince how I had NOT set the palace on fire twice before and that I also did NOT like to prance around the west wing like a fairy, all the while wearing some peasant's clothes, might I add. I did these things. Everyone knew about them. How could he deny what I was most proud of?

It's all because of that dumb will, isn't it?

My grandmother had passed away recently, and she left in her will five million dollars for me, under a few circumstances, of course. First off, I had to marry a rich prince within six months after her death. Next, I had to keep myself out of trouble, and by trouble, I'm pretty sure she meant don't set the palace on fire(twice), don't prance around the west wing like a fairy while wearing a peasant's clothes, etc. Someone other than me would have found that pretty simple. Who wouldn't love to marry a prince? And it's easy to not set the palace on fire or dance around the west wing wearing a peasant's clothes, especially when you're a princess. On top of that, don't forget you'll be rewarded five million dollars by following these rules. But when I'm the person that has to obey them, I can see why my father gets so mad.

My thoughts were interrupted when one of my maids came in.

"Your Majesty, I just came to remind you of the evening ball. Your father says to get ready and be there on time." She said with a bow.

"I'll be there in a few hours Melissa. Tell the hairdresser to come over, and my personal designer too. I need them to get me ready."

"Of course, Your Majesty, right away."

I walked over to my desk and started writing in my diary.

November 15th, 2017

Dear Diary,

Today I had to go to another one of those "meetings." Yeah, another one. I just sat there trying to look as rude as possible so that the prince would turn me down. What was his name again? Albert? Al? Whatever. He came in, and like everyone before him, kissed my hand and greeted me. But I don't like him. He just wants to marry me for the money, and he's also hella ugly. I feel like it's unfair. Yes, I know I'm the princess, but I should be able to choose who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Even peasant girls in the city get to do that. In fact, I should have more rights than them, as the Princess of Macedonia, not less. I'm so annoyed right now. Anyway, it looks like the hairdresser is here, I have to go. Bye!

"Hello, Mary. How are you today?" I asked the middle-aged women whose hair was never perfect. It sounds ironic, I know, that she is the professional hairdresser of the Princess of Macedonia, and she can't even do her own hair, but I like to think that she's just so busy styling my hair that she doesn't get enough time to do hers.

"Doing just fine, in your presence, Your Majesty." she replied. "Let's start today with washing your hair first, and then we'll get it nice and ready for that ball."

I sat down at my vanity and browsed my phone while she did her thing.

An hour later, I studied myself in the mirror. She had done a pretty good job, as usual of course.

"Thanks so much Mary. See you tomorrow!"

"Have a good day, Your Majesty."

She left, and signaled my personal fashion designer to come in. For security purposes, my father ordered that multiple guards are at my door at all times, and also that only one person is allowed into my room at a time. I knew Mary and my designer, Alice didn't get along too well, so I braced myself for a little angry outburst when she came in. Alice was closer to me than Mary, a friend, almost, so she knew she could talk to me about this kind of stuff. Mary, on the other hand, was too scared of me. She was really polite anytime I was around, but I heard the guards talking about her and how she does get into arguments often.

"Well, she took long enough, I see." Alice huffed.

"Calm down, you know I like my hair and clothes to be perfect, I'm the one who told her to change up the style a bit for today." I explain to her.

"Okay, fine, I designed a few dresses for tonight, and if you'll come with me to your closet I can show you which ones are new."

I followed her to my huge walk-in closet. Not that I've ever been in one before, but I knew that this closet was the same size as a small cottage in the city.

"So, this is the dress that I prefer you to wear, but of course, it's all up to you. Tell me which one you like and I'll help you dress," she told me and left.

I looked over them. They all looked gorgeous, but I knew Alice always made one that was above the others, and I normally almost always chose it. There was a dark blue one, a yellow one, a pink one that looked average, for me, that is, but there was one that I decided on the minute I saw it. The dress was a beautiful white strapless dress with ruffles, and it trailed at the end. Without looking at the rest of them (yes, there were more), I picked it up and went back outside. Alice helped me with my chemise, corset, pannier, and stays, and finally, with the dress. She also picked out a necklace for me, and I twirled myself in front of the large mirror in the end.

"Thanks Alice, this looks great!"

"Anytime. I'll be going now. See you at the ball!" she exclaimed.

Now that I was ready, all I had to do was wait an hour to give my father the hint that I am NOT interested in marrying someone I meet at the ball. The ball was actually for my older sister, who married two years ago, and just found out she was pregnant. In honor of the royal baby, my father is holding this ball.

I figured I'd just stare at my phone for another hour before proceeding to the ball, which actually started at 6PM sharp, but I decided to go late to.

*two hours later*

I looked up at the clock and gasped. I had completely lost track of time. It was already 8 PM!

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