Chapter 2

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Authors note- Boo! Swara and I had written the second chapter already, so we didn't wait to post it! Anyway, we are enjoying our week off, and what could be better than giving you guys surprise chapters! We hope you appreciate the early update. Please be sure to leave comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

I was supposed to arrive at 7:00 PM. Father would be waiting for me. After all, he couldn't proceed the ball without the princess. I rummaged around in my closet for a matching white purse which would carry my phone and matching heels. I ran downstairs to the ballroom. My Father hated to make the guests wait, so I expected him to be furious. Everyone's eyes were on me as my heels tapped the stairs while I was hurrying to reach the room. I searched through the crowd and found Father's eyes shooting me a glare. It was obvious he wasn't pleased by my tardiness.

I quickly walked over and muttered "Sorry, I was choosing a dress."

"Okay, but next time, be more punctual."

"Wait, so you're not mad?"

"Well, I thought about what you said earlier, and you were right. Things have gotten a bit out of hand, haven't they?"

"Oh my God, thank you so much Father. I didn't think my words would have such impact on your decision to marry me off to some stranger." I wanted to give him a big hug but everyone was looking. I'll give it later.

"Is that what you were expecting me to say? Well you expected wrong. I shall continue to find you a prince, no matter how long it takes for you to agree. And by the way, you have to channel your speaking skills toward the citizens of Macedonia, not me! When you become Queen, they are the ones who will hear you talk about things for hours on end, so why don't you make the big announcement about your sister now. I will not be saying anything. You go right now and make it," he nudged me forward.

"Ugh, Father, I should've known you would do something like this. Fine."

I saw Father signal to the Royal Gong-Ringer to get everyone's attention.

I saw him stumble over to the podium a few feet away from me. He was always humorous, that gong-ringer, always made me laugh. But then again, he got fired every single week by my father, due to reasons you will soon understand. He always came back of course, as he was just about one of the most loyal gong-ringers you could find in Macedonia.


The sound continued to vibrate in my ear as the Royal Gong-Ringer summoned everyone to come as close to the throne as they could.

"Yes, that's right, everyone come close. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the King, oh wait, there's been a little change, the Princess, Victoria, of Macedonia, has a very very secret announcement tonight that will explain our short noticed gathering/ball, which by the way to inform all of you is because the older princess is pregnant with her first ..Oops I did not mean to say that.

My dad and I shoot him an evil glare, and he shuts his mouth, with his face looking like a whining puppy.

I try to control my anger as I start, "As the Royal Gong-RInger has already mentioned," I glared at him again, "I would like to announce that my older sister Katherine is pregnant with her first child-of course because she wasn't pregnant anytime before this... We are very proud to be welcoming a new member to the family. I can't wait to be an aunt! Now my sister would like to say a few words."

I stepped off the podium as Catherine got on.

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, yes, it's true, the moment you've all been waiting for is right here, I am in fact pregnant and the father is in fact my husband (who else would it be) and I am so excited as this is (obviously) my first time having a baby and I am (obviously) very happy. Thank you for coming everyone, I hope you enjoy the ball."

She then signals to the Royal Musician, who starts the music. Everyone is dancing around the ballroom when my dad walks up on the stage to the mic. I get a bit nervous, because his sudden-speeches always have to do something with me.

"Dear Ladies and Gentleman, at this time, I would like to invite on stage Prince Edward and his family. They are here for my daughter. I am on a search for a good prince for my daughter. If you are familiar with any, please notify me as soon as possible. Now, Prince Edward, would you please come on stage along with your family to meet my daughter.

My Dad had not just said that! I couldn't believe him! It was fine if he kept on annoying me for a prince but saying it on stage, in front of everybody was just plain embarrassing and cruel. I barely managed to control my anger as I saw Prince Edward, with that annoying smirk on his face, and the rest of his family walking towards us. But the gross part was that he wasn't looking at me. I followed his gaze and noticed he was looking at my breasts. Such a pervert, I thought. My dad's choices were always bad.

Help me! I mouthed to my mother, who was, did I mention, the Queen of Macedonia. But I knew she would always support my father, so there was no use even trying.

"What is that you say Dear? You like Edward? Oh that's amazing. You two do look good together," my father interrupted our silent and very much one-sided conversation.

Oh my God! Why??? Why does he have to do that?

I looked at Edward and noticed his forever-annoying smirk was still there.

"If you think I am that handsome, then please don't hesitate to compliment my looks," Edward said. He bent down below me and asked for my hand. I wasn't going to move my hand an inch, but my dad had the urge to pull my hand and place it in Edward's. He gently kissed it and looked up at me. I made a disgusting face and rolled my eyes at him. He smirked and stood up, letting go of my hand.

The worst part of this whole kissing-my-hand scene was the fact that everyone was staring at me. Even my sister was smirking at me. I had never felt this embarrassed in my whole entire life. I was blaming Father for all this.

My Father broke the awkward silence, "Thank you Prince Edward. I hope you liked my daughter as much as she liked you. I will discuss with my daughter about her final thoughts and conference you." He shakes his hands with Edward and all his family members. Then he directed them to exit the stage.

I needed to clear Father's misunderstanding and tell him I was in no way impressed by Edward.

"Father, before you say anything, please listen to me. I am not interested in marrying Princ--"


Everyone started screaming and huddling together.

What is going on?

"What is happening?" I asked with concern. From the corner of the eye, I saw a red curtain being enveloped in a pool of flames.

Oh, no this can't be happening.

"The castle is on fire!" my dad shouted over the loud noise of screams. Only, this time, I wasn't the one who caused it.  

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