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Zoey skipped through the dense forest. Teep was close behind followed by Rythian.

"Zoey!" The Mage yelled trying to catch up. "We're going to get separated! Slow down!" He exclaimed running though the forest, trying to keep the mess of red hair in view.With an exaggerated sigh the girl slowed down and quickly came to a stop, as did her dinosaur companion.

"Stop being so slow Rythian!" She teased. "I'm not going to get lost!" She said.

"Zoey, we don't even know were we are! We're already lost!" The ender Mage argued throwing his hands up into the air in defeat.

"Don't be silly. We're...." The girl whipped her head around looking at the area around her. "Like I was saying Rythian, we're in a forest!" She exclaimed happily. The Mage crossed his arms and the girl sighed.

"Okay okay, maybe we're a little bit lost." She admitted.

"A little?!" He exclaimed. "Zoey, we are not a little bit lost, we're." The ender boy was cut off by a high pitched sequel.

"Oh my gosh Rythian! Look! Look look look!" She squealed running over to a small blue elephant like creature.

"Zoey! Stay away from that thing!" Rythian shouted running over. The small creature charged at Zoey and swung it arm at her. She jumped backwards in shock.

"Bad! Bad! You don't hit!" She scolded as the Mage ran in front of her holding his sword. Three more emerged from the depths of the cave behind it.

"Zoey! Kobolds are hostile mobs!" He exclaimed and swung his sword, slaying the first. The other three immediately went into a small panic.

"Quickly! Come on!" He exclaimed grabbing her hand and running through the twilight, Teep in tow. The three came across a small hollowed out tree. Rythian quickly opened the door and hurried in.

"You know this place is a trap right?" Zoey noted looking around.

"We're just camping here for a bit Zoey." The Mage said sitting down. Soon the three drifted off the sleep.


The next morning Rythian was the first awake, as always. The Mage stood up and glanced around the room. Both Teep and Zoey seemed to be fast asleep. Rythian quickly made is departure outside of the tree. He approached the small pond and sat down next to it, staring at his reflection. He slowly reached up and took off his mask. His lower jaw was a midnight black, it was slowly spreading down his neck and up his face. He scowled at his reflection until finally swiping his hand across the image. He dropped his mask into the water and quickly retracted his hand as a burning pain shot though it.

"Damn water." He hissed though clenched teeth.

"Rythian?" A voice calls from behind. The ender Mage froze up like a statue.

"Rythian? Oh! There you are!" She exclaimed. Rythian quickly scrambled up and his behind the tree. "Rythian...?" She says uncertainly, approaching him more slowly.

"Zoey, stay back." Rythian said, his eyes looking around frantically.

"Rythian? What's wrong?" Zoey asked, her voice growing more and more concerned.

"It's nothing. Just, please go back to the tree." He stresses. Zoey frowns and her eyes start to drift until she notices the purple mask in the water.

"Rythian... Why can't I see you? Whatever it is it can't be that bad." She said taking a few steps forward.

"You'll...you'll think I'm a monster.." He argues weakly.

"That's silly Rythian! I would never think that!" She protests walking closer to him.

"You would if you saw me." He mumbled. Rythian felt a hand grab his arm and quickly pull him from behind the tree. He was met with familiar blue eyes. Zoey let out a soft gasps and Rythian flinched. A general hand reached up and carefully touch the rough skin. "I told you I'm a monster." Rythian mumbled, staring at the ground unable to meet her eyes. Zoey put a hand on his chin pulling him up so they stared eye to eye.

"Stop saying that enderboy." She said as she leaned in. Rythians heart was racing as there lips met, his mind was running a mile a minute. Zoey broke the kiss and smiled at him. "I've been wanting to do that for months." She stated and the Mage smiled.

"I love you Zoey."

"Love you to Rythian."

{HA I FINISHED! STOP ASKING FOR ROMANCE DAMMIT! :3 I can't write it! I want bloooood! Horror! Also tell me headcannons! I looove headcannons.}

{Like and comment on what you want next.}

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