Chapter 4

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Estelle stepped away from the stream. "Frogs Guts!" She screamed. Things were not going as she planned. She used the water source to keep tabs on Prince Nicholas's journey and was pleasantly surprised when he made quick work of killing the dragon.

Oh, and the sad little princess crying over the dragon's spilled blood was so sweet. She had a foul mouth on her too. Prince Putrid!

Then the fool prince couldn't make sure the princess was properly tied up before collapsing! Though Estelle had to take some blame for that. She cursed him after all. Served him right though. How dare he rebuke her advances.

The only way, Nicholas could save his life was by defeating the dragon and using its crystalized heart as an ingredient in a potion.

But Estelle would have the heart for herself. She had no compunction about double crossing the prince and stealing the heart. She would gladly watch him die without it.

Apparently Princess Olympia felt the same way. But instead of quickly disposing of him, the little toady stole Estelle's heart.

She couldn't allow her to get to the middle nation with the heart. It was protected by the spell of a powerful sorceress and it was impenetrable.

No, she would have to stop Olympia before she reached the middle nation. "The girl said she would rather marry a troll!" She spoke to the crow waiting on a gnarled tree for her orders. "Well let's just see if we could arrange that." The witch cackled.  

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