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She loved the man sleeping next to her. She rested her head next to his and watched him sleep, his eyelid trembling slightly and his full lips mid open, a peaceful expression she rarely could see in him. When awake he was always stoic and cold, except when he looked at their little girl. He was always so kind to her son and their daughter, he would transform into a big teddy bear capable of big bear hugs and gentle smiles.

"What are you doing?" He had caught her watching him, but he still didn't open his eyes fully.

"I'm gazing," she gently said brushing his dark hair with her tan fingers covered in slim dark lines that went all the way up her arm.

"You should kiss me instead." He grabbed her hand and kissed its palm, gently tracing the lines in her arm. "Did I ever mention how much I love your runes?"The woman smiled and after a moment the runes disappeared from her skin. She never loved them, she usually only shows them when she was vulnerable sleeping or when using maga. Not all had them, it was part of a genetic pole that only a few were lucky or unlucky to have. The man she loved considered them a blessing, but she considered them a curse. Runes were the channel that catalyzed the energy of the person's soul and the better you could control that maga, that energy, the beaming and aesthetic the runes would become.

The man kissed his lover before rising from the bed. She looked at him, his broad shoulders covered in large and lightly colored lines that had an almost tribal design that was wide and would cover his shoulders and his chest. She got closer to him and her fingers traced the pale lines that contrast with his dark skin, lightly touching his skin, her eyes mesmerized in the traced that began disappearing. The man turned and grabbed her by the waist, his forehead rested on hers and he looked deep into her eyes, making her blush with the intensity of her gaze. He always did that, no matter where he was or with who he was, he would kiss her and look at her in a way that made her feel beautiful.

"I'm going to a meeting, okay? You'll be okay?"

"Yes, darling. Dan will be with his books and Rose can walk now, so I'll be busy trying to make her stay in one place." She smiled and kissed him passionately. He corresponded, grabbing her head and pulling her closer as if he could never get enough of her. He rested his forehead against hers, both catching their breath and smiling at each other...

She opened her eyes and the ceiling fan greeted her. She felt her cheeks cold, she knew she'd been crying. Again. She closed her eyes and let the tears fall, she wished she could turn to those times, she wished the love they had, had been enough. But sometimes blood is thicker, and she wished she could've been smarter.

But it all happened too fast.

She knew the fate of her baby had been settle on the day the little girl had shown her the little bird of light trapped in her small and chubby hands. You could see the happiness and proud on her golden eyes but the only thing her mother wanted to do was cry when she realized what that meant. That same night, she wrote a note to the man she loved and grabbed her daughters and left. She knew she had to protect them from them, because the possessors of maga where extremely rare, and only one in which generation could have the ability to control it. That power was passed from an elderly to a youngster of the family that is if that youngster wouldn't die until he completed seventeen years old. From there on, only their child or grandchild would be able to control the maga.

Since she found she was pregnant she knew her child fate was sealed, what she didn't expect was for that child to possess the eyes of her father's clan and a small pattern on her chest. Her husband had the same reaction as her, but she saw something else in those, something resembling the eyes of a buyer that finds himself in the position of a rare artifact, and she wished with all her being she was wrong about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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