Chapter Ten

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"Alright," Lauren said sitting down on her couch. "What do you put on your pizza? This is crucial. Our relationship depends on it."

Camila laughed. "You're talking about pizza toppings like it'll end the world if mine is non-conventional," Camila sat down next to Lauren. "I'm Cuban-Mexican. I like it a little hot, not too much but maybe just enough,"

Lauren knew it. Lauren knew Camila radiated a Latina vibe. "Well Camila. I am Cuban-American, so we're perhaps more connected than we think..,"

That made the youngest woman think. Camila felt the connection, trust me, she definitely did. Her heart lit up every time Lauren looked at her. Camila saw the universe in her eyes. When she'd look into them, she felt like she could see everything ever created. It was magic. It's shocking how much beauty can hide behind eyes.

Lauren was also kind. In all honesty, Lauren was the nicest person, with the exception of her parents, she'd ever actually met. Camila felt a physical attraction as well. She never identified her sexuality. She struggled in her teen years. Growing up, she figured out that she falls in love with personality and why should she limit herself to only one gender? Camila just loved. She'd love a man, a woman, or anyone. It simply didn't matter to her. It shouldn't either.

"Camila? Calling Camila to Earth? Cameela? Camoli? Canoli? Canola oil? Cannelloni?" Lauren laughed. The woman was so much in her own little bubble that she forgot the outside world. "Yes, yes, yes. Sorry Lauren. I'm here now. Wait. Canola oil? Seriously? You have to come up with a better nickname than that..," Camila laughed out.

"Alright then... I'll think of a new one... You still didn't answer my question you know... Don't leave my hanging like all your high fives are OUUUUUUUU," Lauren bursted out in laughter. Her chest rose up and down in quick succession and Camila pouted. "That's not funny you know... I get really sad about those..,"

"I like all dressed pizza. Black olives, green peppers, pepperoni, and a whole lot of cheese. Simple. Tasty. Reliable. It never fails. All dressed pizza is always a sure and a safe bet," Camila explained. "Phenomenal! Sounds good! Let's get that one. Can you call? I'll be right back, here's their number," Lauren showed the Latina her phone.

"Okay sure," Camila dialled the number as Lauren walked down the hallway. "Bonjour, hi," a man answered at the end of the line. "Hi. I'd love to order an extra large all dressed pizza with two Cokes," she said. "Brilliant, that'll surely be a delicacy," the man seductively answered. Camila felt uncomfortable. She gave him their address and wished him a nice evening. "Have a nice evening Madame. You may call back anytime, to your heart's desires...," Camila hung up the phone and giggled.

"Hey Lauren! That was the most uncomfortable call! This man was totally flirting with me! Good thing we'll eat pizza and we haven't just finished it all because it would've all come right out!" she shouted out.

"Damn. Never happened to me before. I guess I don't have a nice voice like yours," the older Latina shouted back. Camila was flattered. Lauren thought she had a nice voice. She felt butterflies once more. "Um... That's not true. You have a nice voice too..," Camila shyly answered.

Lauren had a rough and raspy voice. It was music to Camila. The older woman came back to the living room with a bunch of pillows and only one blanket. "Sorry, I only have one blanket, we'll have to share it. I hope you don't mind. If you want I ca-"

"It's perfectly fine!" Camila cut in. A little so soon. With a little too much excitement. Someone knocked at the door. "PIIIIIZZZZZAAAAAA," both girls shouted and ran to the front door.

"Hi. Here are the goods you ordered," the man said with a wink. The voice was familiar to Camila. It was the man she previously spoke too. "Thanks old pizza man," Camila said as Lauren grabbed the food and paid. "Have a great night," the man eyed Camila and looked at Lauren. "Oh I see what's going on here... I'll leave you both to it," he whispered. Camila closed the door and made sure to lock it.

"Was the man on the phone? When you ordered the pizza?" Lauren asked Camila. "Yeah it was him. Awkwardddd..." Camila answered.

Both girls sat comfortably on the couch next to each other and placed the food on the table. "I call dibs on half the pizza," Camila said. Lauren rolled her eyes and agreed. Camila had a smile of satisfaction on her face. It's been a while since she felt this happy.

Three Disney movies and an entire eaten pizza later, it was time to sleep. "It's 2:00 am. We should go sleep. Is it just me or time went by really fast?" Lauren said. "Time flew. I can sleep on the couch if you'd like." Camila said and rubbed her eyes.

"You can sleep in my bed with me if you want. I mean sure you can sleep on the couch but my mattress is way more comfortable. Trust me. You slept like a baby in it yesterday." Lauren answered.

"Okay. I'll sleep in your bed. Thank you Lauren. For everything. Tonight was so fun and great and perfect. It's nice of you. You didn't have to do all of these things but you did. I appreciate it," Camila admitted. "I have fun with you. I'm happy to hear you liked tonight," Lauren answered.

Once they both got settled in the bed, Lauren turned off the lights. Lauren breathed out, tangled her legs between Camila's, and fell asleep right away. "Oh my God, oh my God..," Camila constantly mumbled. Sleep obviously didn't come easily to her that night.

Hi everyone! I hoped you enjoyed this fluff! There's even more in the upcoming chapter! Stay tuned! I love you guys! I hope you're having a great day!

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