Before their biology class, Athena met up with Jughead before class. She hadn't spoken to him since their July 4th road trip which Archie canceled and it was just him and her. As they walked through the halls they saw said redhead peering into Principal Weatherbee's office before promptly walking away with his head down. "I'm going to talk to him," Jughead announced, walking towards the boy who was splashing his face with water. "Archie" Archie looked up, staring straight at the red-headed beauty instead of his former best friend.

"Weirdest thing. This summer, we were supposed to go on a road trip. Over July 4th weekend. Which you bailed on at the last minute. Is there something you want to tell us, pal?" In Biology, Athena didn't want to work with anybody but Jughead. Jughead asking questions about Jason's death had led her to believe Archie was hiding something about her dear departed brother.

"Seats, everyone. Pair off, gloves on, scalpels up." The pair did as told before looking at the dead animal in front of them. "Juggie, can you please perform this." Jughead nodded and took the lead as Athena stared at the empty space. After class, Jughead and Athena had become inseparable since they had started conversing once again. They walked down the hallways, laughing until Jughead suddenly stopped causing Athena to brake next to him.

"What is it, Jug?" And as Athena looked through the window, she saw her crush, extremely close to Ms. Grundy. She watched as she pressed her lips to the underage boy. Athena and Jughead pulled away from the door and walked through the hallways as Athena freaked out. "He chose some cougar over Betty? This is assault, this is statutory rape. I swear-" Jughead put his hand over his friend's mouth, interrupting her freak out. "Athena, I know you want to go and slap him but we have to approach this with delicately. Athena nodded causing Jughead to take his hand away from her mouth.

"I gotta go to cheerleading practice. But I'll see you later though." Jughead scoffed and nodded. "Of course, you will." The redhead waved at him before heading to practice. Athena had made the decision to not participate at the pep rally on Friday as she was going through way too much to focus on some stupid cheer and the recent Archie discovery was not helping. Although, she still appeared at the practices to support her friends.

She watched as the girls separated as Cheryl walked away to call Josie and recruit her Pussycats for the pep rally. She walked down to Veronica and Betty seeing that they were having a tense conversation. "For the record, the only reason I went into that closet with Archie was so Cheryl wouldn't." Athena wanted to internally groan. Were the two still on this? "Oh, so you did it to protect me?" Betty frowned at Veronica. "Damn straight."

"Betty, calm down." Athena attempted to intervene before things got out of hand. "No, Athena. Okay, so nothing happened between you and Archie in the closet, then?" Silence answered Betty's question crystal clear. "Yeah, that's what I thought. You know, Athena, Archie and I were fine before you got here." They really weren't that great and they still weren't great. "If by fine, you mean he was oblivious and you were pining after him in quiet desperation." Veronica had progressed from believing she was in the wrong to her bitchiness about 'helping' them. "We were all friends, at least. Now I'm not talking to Archie and neither is Athena."

Athena really didn't want to be roped into this, but she just stood next to the two girls as the made jabs at each other. "You were walking on eggshells, scared, to tell the truth." Most of what Veronica was saying was the truth but she was being a bit of a bitch to Betty and Athena was about to release the Kraken. "Okay Veronica, you don't know anything about them," Athena interjected. Veronica had been there for, what a week and she acted as if she suddenly knew everything about everyone.

"It's not my fault that he doesn't like you. If that's what you two are thinking. It's not anyone's fault. It's not even stupid Archie's. it's just how it is. Most of the time, the people we like don't like us back. Romeo and Juliet are the exceptions, not the rule. Look never speak to me again, if that's what you want, I'll accept that. What exactly did Archie do wrong?" Athena could see what she was trying to do, but she had to admit that Archie was a bit inconsiderate considering that Betty admitted her feelings and an hour later, made out with Veronica in a closet. "You seriously taking his side?"

"I'm not taking any sides" Veronica groaned, becoming increasingly annoyed with the situation. "Well, it sounds like you're taking his side." Just as it was about to get ugly, Cheryl bursted in announcing the pussycat's involvement. "Oh, sorry ladies, am I interrupting?" Veronica turned with a bitchy look on her face. "As a matter of fact--" Athena thought quick as to what she could do to end it right then and there. "No, you're not, dear sister. Betty was actually going to invite you somewhere." Betty stared at Athena, nodding once understanding what she was hinting at.

"I have a gift certificate for hers and hers mani-pedis and blowouts at chez salon. Do you want to come with me?" Betty nodded at Athena, knowing that it would piss Veronica off beyond belief. "Don't do this." Veronica tried to persuade Betty. "Butt out, closet monster. You have forfeited your right to take the high and mighty road. As pour moi, Betty, but of course. Can I steal her for a second?" Cheryl asks dragging Betty off. Veronica glares at Athena but Athena just shrugs her shoulders and walks out of the gym, completely done with the theatrics of high school.


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