Chapter 32--Mirages Eventually Fade

Start from the beginning

The only time I felt like I was with him was when we'd finally go to sleep. He would lay awake with his arm over my shoulders as I curled up on his side. His gaze was directed towards the glass doors of the balcony as he stared out at the night sky and the stars.

"What are you looking at?" I would ask.

Aaron would slowly shift his gaze to me. A small smile spreading on his lips as his eyes rested on mine. His stare would be intense like the way he is. In his low honey flowing voice he would say, "Beauty."

A blush would rise up my neck as turned to look away. A smile would wiggle its way across my lips. Aaron pulled my hair back, kissing the exposed part of my neck. And then we would fall in a comfortable silence. The only moment that everything seemed to be normal. The only moment that made me feel safe and like nothing wrong would happen because I was with Aaron. Being in his arms always felt safe.

But feeling safe and being safe are two whole different things.


"You need some time out of the house," Kellie said as she stopped tapping her pencil against her notebook.

"Wow," I replied with my best uncaring tone. "That is so not the right answer for problem five."

"I agree with Kellie," Jackson added.

"The answer is negative six," I said writing down the rest of the problem. "How you two managed to get it wrong is beyond me."

Kellie reached over and took my pen out of my hand. "We're serious Parker," she exasperated.

I rustled through my bag for another pen, "So am I."

Jackson rolled his eyes, "When was the last time you actually went out and had fun?"

When my boyfriend was arrested, I thought to myself. Hardly something I considered fun.

I sighed and looked up at both of my friends, "What do you guys want?"

"Harsh," Kellie said with a monotone face. Jackson smirked as he leaned in closer to his girlfriend—letting his arm snake around the back of her chair. "We just want you to relax for once. We all don't have any upcoming exams. You're caught up with all your work. Right now, you're just over studying."

I gasped as I rolled my eyes, "Over studying? My word, someone arrest me."

Jackson couldn't help but let out a small laugh as Kellie threw my pen back at me. "Come on Parker," Jackson said in a kinder tone. "Why don't you come to my game tonight with Kell? It wouldn't kill you to have fun."

"Yeah!" Kellie agreed instantly, "It'll be awesome."

I chuckled, "That's because your boyfriend is playing."


"Last time I had to hear about how amazing his sweaty glistening muscles looked," I answered.

Jackson's position perked up instantly, "Why haven't I heard this conversation before ladies?"

Kellie turned a shade of pink—doing her best to avoid Jackson's gaze. She sent me a glare and with a hiss in her voice spoke, "I never said that."

"Said what?" Pierce asked as he took the seat beside me. He always does that, sneaking up on us when we're in the middle of a conversation. I checked the time on my phone realizing his class had ended a few minutes ago.

Jackson gave Pierce a shake as he spoke, "Kell thinks my muscles are hot when I play basketball."

Pierce smirked and wiggled his eyebrows at Kellie, "Do I hear bang bang?"

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