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Harrys POV

Harry grabbed his signature blue jumper, it was surprisingly cold for a July morning and grabbed the leash to walk Herb.

"Hey Cal," Harry called.

"Yeah?" Cal yelled back.

"I'm taking Herb for a walk, be back in a bit."

"Okay, don't be long Ethan's coming over in about an hour to film."

Harry walked out the door over to the elevator with little herb excitedly barking at everyone passing by. He thought about snapping Gwen but thought it would look a bit desperate if he started a conversation right after he ended it.

~Little time skip~

I walked back the tower from my little trip with Herb. I could have sworn I saw a girl that looked exactly like Gwen while I walked Herb. I didn't bother to take a second look though, I didn't think it was really her. I passed by Tobi as I was walking towards the elevator.
"Hey Tobs," I greeted him.
"Oh hey Harry," he replied. He seemed a bit off but I didn't question it. A lot of the time none of us really get any sleep, always recording and editing but never sleeping.

-Snapchat from Gwen💋-
I swiped my phone on and looked at the message she had sent.

Gwen: We need to talk...
Harry: um okay? About what
Gwen: I'm pregnant... and it's yours
Harry: um wrong person? We haven't even met up yet
Gwen: lol it's a dare for a vid
Harry: why wasn't that my first thought?
Gwen: cuz you were imagining fucking me😂
Harry: not really but okay sure
Gwen: gtg film the rest of this video
Harry: byee
That really confused me at first, I was thinking "wait wtf we haven't even meet in person yet how am I gonna get her pregnant?" I turned off my phone and set it on my desk to charge. I quietly walked past Cal's door where him and Ethan had just started filming, into the kitchen to get a snack because why not? Im a grown man. Well that's pushing it a bit, but I'm a semi-responsible young adult I guess.

A/N: I really am sorry for the lack of updates, I'll try harder to get back into writing 😊

Snapchat ; w2sKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat