Chapter 1 Counsiling

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Jin P.O.V. 

I walk down the driveway of my house this morning . I  heard some rustling in the bushes.I didn't think much of it because there are always stray cats around my house and most times i feed them but i don't want them to depend on me for food because I have no idea if my roomate would allow a cat since we already have  Min Holly. But then I spot a girl in one of the bushes next to the mailbox .

"Uhmm......Are you okay ?......Do you need any help?"

She doesn't answer I'm a little scared that shes dead.Maybe I should do something. I slowly crouch down to at least see if shes breathing or hurt.I gently shake her ; she lets out a soft groan .

"Hello?......are you hurt anywhere?"

Still no response; Maybe i should just leave so no one gets the wrong idea.But as soon as take my first step away ,she softly says "Eomma , I swear it wasn't my fault." That's it i cant take it anymore .I might as well bring her inside . Up close shes not that bad looking ,her blond hair looks heat damaged though,but I dont give enough shitz..........I hang around Yoongi too much he's rubbed off on my alot. She's not heavy working out with Kookie must have payed off. I put the mysterious bush girl down on the sofa.

I make my way to the kitchen to cook breakfast for when the boys come over because its my turn this week. Yoongi  eventually wakes up Dear Lord does that kid sleep alot, but luckly today he woke up a little early because my cooking is just THAT good, I crack myself up.

"Good Morning Yoongi your up earlier than usual, you hungry?"     " It was only because I had to pee and sure Hyung."  

In Yoongi's surprise he takes a second look back to notice a mysterious girl on the couch. Yoongi then turns around and blinks a couple times,he does a whip and naenae's ,at that moment he then relises  that he's not dreaming because Jin's window wiping laugh is all he can hear in the room. Usually when he does this in hi dreams Hoeseok magicly appears on a train and they go on a relaxing trip to the countryside together with Jimin.

"Whats that thing,over there on our couch?"      " Found her in a bush near the  mailbox,I coundn't  just leave her there." 

"Okay whatever not my problem for now because i didnt find her just make sure that thing over there leaves."              "Whatever you say Min Slow."         "WHaTevEr YOu sAY mIN sLOw." Yoongi says mockingly

" Ahhh shutup and call the boys over MIN SLOW." 


Mysterious Bush Girl P.O.V. 

*Night before Flashback*

"Miy we dont have to do this ;its emoral" said bush girl     "When the hell did you start caring about morals,what you turning soft on me or something."

"I just.....My mother is really sick she's bed ridden i take care of her and my siblings .....please don't make me do this ,I'm already on probation I'll be sent to juvey for who knows how long ;my mother needs me." Hyun pleaded

" Stop being a fucking pussy with all that sappy B.S.  Hyun! Your mom hasn't stopped you from shoplifting before or smoking or drinking neither has those pissy kids ,just do it!" 

"You know what FUCK YOU Miy ,I've listened to your shit long enough,I don't want to be apart of this stupid little kids gang you guys are running my family is way more important,I was too absorbed in your high and mightiness thinking you were cool ,just leave me alone."

Tears start to well up in my eyes ,there's just too much going on right now i need a brake from everything ! I storm out before she can see me cry .It was almost refreshing to actually stand up to that bitch.I don't want to be the past me anymore.But i know it wont be this easy to run away from it all.Hell is to brake tonight i can feel it. I go to the usual hideout to tell our leader Sunny  I'm out.Hopefully I'll leave with my life.As I'm feet away from the door Miy comes out of nowhere and smiles at me with the cheesiest smile I've ever seen in my life.I try my best to walk around her but she stops me with her arm."What the hell do you want,Miy!"    "For you to keep your mouth shut and listen to me ,do you want to live you idiot." Hyun responds with silence

"Okay ,you don't want to talk I'll just black mail you." Blackmail?! What is she  blabbering about.

"I'll tell everyone your BIG SECRET and leave you and your family with nothing." Miy takes out a fat stack of cash and basically  waves it in my face ."You see this I took this from Sunny's space and if she finds out you somehow got a hand of it she'd make sure you pay." Is this girl crazy?!?!   

"Thats two reasons on why you have no choice but to stay in such a cHiLDisH gang .You should be kissing my shoes for saving you ,you slut" I have no choice ,I have to stay and I thought i had guts today my selfesteem has been pushed below hell.

"Whatever ,since I have no choice ,I agree to stay Miy" my mind nor my heart can take this stress anymore but its piled itself on 10x heavier.

                          *Back to Jins&Yoongi's house*

Hyuns P.O.V.

I wake up dazed trying to figure out where I was .Why am I in a house?I lay down with my eyes open still because I dont want to alert whoever put me here.I liten to the people in the next rooms conversation.


"Oh you wanted that ,well that's too bad because its already in  my stomach" I slowly rise from the couch to see whats fully going on.No one has noticed yet.

"HOOOOOBBBBBIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!" Gosh they're loud my head is pounding from last night I still cant remember how i ended up here. 

"Yah!Pabo just eat what you have ." the one with the husky voice says 

"So your awake I see."   "Huh who said th-" I was cut off by an abrupt hand on my head I've never felt a hand thats treated me kindly other than my siblings and mother it feels calming."Are you feeling alright,my name is Jin, I found you in my bushes this morning ."    Bushes?! "I'm fine sorry to burden you I'll be leaving now." I try getting up but i feel a sharp pain on the left side of my body I stumble and fall over. "Please be careful,I'll find something for you to eat and some pain killers,I'll be right back." All attention is on me all the other boys are staring and whispering I don't feel good about this I'm leaving.I use all my strength to fight through the pain on my left side.The other boys try and stop me but i make myself out the door successfully and made my way to school.If i remember correctly yesterday was Sunday .

I was slower than usual because of the surging pain on my left side.I make it to first period even though i have no backpack I'm determined to learn to lesson.Time flies and its lunch I skip because I need the money for my moms medicine .I feel like I'm gonna pass out.As soon as I feel my eyes closing I hear the intercom say "HYUN TO GUIDENCE OFFICE; HYUN TO GUIDENCE." 

                        // Guidence consiler's office//

I take and seat and look to my right and there I see Jin the guy from this morning ,just my luck.The secretary tells us the guidence counsiler is ready for us .What does she want anyways.

"Hey name is Hyun ;why did you leave before i could get you something?" Hyun doesn't answer .

"Not a talker I see...."    Jin says akwardly   "She's coming." Hyuna says in a soft voice

The counsiler walks in and talks to me first but little did I know she had bad news 

"Hyun,I'm sorry to say this but your mother has been rushed to the Hospital,in critical condition" I can't stop the tears from coming down ,I face the counsiler with tears in my eyes and say "Please tell me your lying."


Hello readers this is my first story on wattpad I'll try my best to upload new chapters often thank you if you've made it this far I hope you enjoyed please dont be afraid to give me you opinions or suggestions. It's really late where i live I'm tired so Goodnight!

FRAMED! [Complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora