Chapter two

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A week later: project day

"[y/n]-san!" Kai called out at the entrance of Rakuzan school. "Did you finish-...did you sleep?" Kai asked, looking at [y/n]'s dark bags underneath her once cheerful and determined [e/c] eyes.

"No...I stayed up all night improving the speeches." [Y/n] says tiredly. "Here." [y/n] hands Kai over a whole A4 sheet of paper filled with his speech. Kai looked at the paper in panic.

"[y-y/n]-chan...this is too much" he said quietly. [Y/n]'s eyebrow twitched, leading up to her grabbing Kai by his collar and getting up into his face.

"What was that?! I did not stay up all night to write that just to lose to Akashi!" [y/n] yelled, her lack of sleep clearly gaining control over her body. Kai stared down at her with a distraught expression, not knowing how to respond. Instead of actually responding he wriggled out of [y/n]'s strong grip and made a run for it, leaving his lengthy speech behind. [Y/n] stood horrified seeing her partner taking off. "H-hey! I can't do this on my own!" She yelled.

Around half an hour later:

[Y/n] walked in with her mass amount of paper, looking tired and entirely annoyed at the fact her partner had just left her. She looks over at the red head to find him sitting alone. 'Did his partner bail?' [y/n] asked herself, sitting at her usual seat for science.

"Due to some...reasons, two students will be presenting on their own this morning, their no show partners will just automatically fail." The teacher said, indicating at both Akashi and [y/n]. "Akashi, you're first."

Akashi sighed and walked up to the front looking slightly annoyed. "Due to my weak partner, I have gaps in my presentation today, so please bare with me." He spoke. Akashi talked about everything he had planned out, reading it out loud and clear. [Y/n] was nearly half asleep before claps from the other students were heard.

"[Y/n] your turn." The teacher said, pretending to actually care about any of this.

[Y/n] cleared her throat and walked up to the front, facing everyone. "I'll have to apologise also...a model was supposed to help me today, but due to my partner not being here today, I do not have that model." [y/n] bowed in apology, clearing her throat once more. She said everything both her and Kai was supposed to, using bigger and longer words than she usually would, this even surprising Akashi slightly who was watching her the whole way through. [y/n] bowed in thanks and sat back in her seat.

After everyone has presented their projects:
"Thank you all for your contributions..." The science teacher said in a mono tone, looking at the whole class. "I have your scores, I shall read them out to you." [Y/n] and Akashi instantly made eye contact, showing how determined both were to beat each other, however Akashi showed a glint of amusement. "Akashi...98 points" Akashi smirked at [y/n], making [y/n] glare right back at him. "[y/n]...98 points as well"

The whole class room fell silent, Akashi's mouth opened slightly, his eyes widening slightly. 'I..Akashi Seijuro...tied?' He thought to himself, glancing over at [y/n] with disbelief.

"A tie?!" [y/n] jumped from her chair yelling, looking at Akashi with the same expression.

After school:

[Y/n] was at her locker putting away her text books, sulking over how she and Akashi had tied. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Oi, [L/n]? I still need to beat you. Pick a challenge." He said with no expression, looking blankly at her.

"Huh? A challenge? Why are you asking me?" [y/n] asked turning around to face the male. "Alright...I challenge you to a game of netball."

"Netball? Why netball?"

"Because you're used to basketball. You're not allowed to move with the ball. I'm sure it'll be harder for you and your team."

"But you don't play on the netball team."

"Doesn't mean I'm a terrible netball player." [y/n] said with a frown, starting to walk away. "Tomorrow after school. Ready your team, you're about to be crushed tomorrow."

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