Chapter One

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Eight years ago: 7 years of age.

"I'm home!~" a young [h/l] [h/c] girl came through the front door excitedly, a big bright smile across her face. As [y/n] walked into the living room she saw her dad, grandma and grandad all sitting down with saddened expressions.

"[y/n]...please come here for a second" her father said, his voice shaking slightly. [y/n] walked over to him and smiled, in hopes to cheer him up. "Mummy...has gone to heaven" he whispered.

[y/n]'s [e/c] eyes widened. Her face went cold. Time froze, she couldn't move, she couldn't speak. All she could do was stare down at the floor, warm liquid sliding off her now pale cheeks. Her dad pulled her into a gentle and loving hug, both cried onto each other's shoulder, her grandparents quietly sobbing too.

Present day: 16 years of age

[y/n] now attended Rakuzan high. She scored average grades on tests. She was neither popular or unpopular, she has always gotten along with many people, some people really got on her nerves however. For some reason she had always excelled in science, always scored As. She didn't really have friends in her class, most people annoyed her because of how perfect they think they are...especially Akashi Seijuro. He always scored perfect on everything, rich and always thought he could order everyone around. He knew that it annoyed her to the bone, he received glares from the [h/c] haired female every basketball game she watched and every test score they got.

"Alright class, please get into pairs and finish a project on the digestive system" the science teacher said as he tapped the smart board behind him. "You have a week to complete it."

'P..pairs?!' [y/n] thought, her mouth opening slightly and her [e/c] eyes wider than they could ever be. Everyone immediately chose their friends leaving [y/n] and three other students alone. One of them being Akashi. ' what' she thought as she looked at the students. Akashi looked over at [y/n] and smirked.

"I would not like to partner with [y/n]-san. I intend to beat her." Akashi said with an even deeper smirk. [y/n]'s blood boiled, she frowned and glared at him with cold eyes.

"It's [l/n] to you. But this time... I'll be the one to beat you." [y/n] said bluntly, grabbing the nearest partnerless student and sitting them down next to her. Unfortunately for Akashi, he was left with the laziest boy in the class, who never contributed to projects. [y/n] couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Why did you choose me [l/n]? I thought you got along with Aru-chan more than me." Her partner asked quietly. Her partner was a male with medium length blonde hair and angelic blue eyes named Kai. He's always been shy but always extremely kind.

"Would you rather work with Akashi? We can still switch if-" [y/n] was cut off by the blonde before she could finish.

"No! I mean that I was just surprised you picked me, I'm glad though." He said shyly, a pink tint spread along his cheeks.

[y/n] smiled and nodded her head and put an A3 sheet of paper between them both. "Okay, let's plan this out and maybe we could stay after school to get this done?" She asked Kai, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Yep! Sounds great." He replied enthusiastically.

On the other side of the room, Akashi was glaring at his partner who was sat, playing on his phone. "Aru?" Akashi said blankly. Aru looked up into the males eyes, his own instantly widening. "You will help me with this project" he ordered. Causing Aru to nod his head furiously.

In the library after school:

Kai and [y/n] were sorting out who was doing what in their projects. Kai was going to make a model of the whole thing and [y/n] would put together a big speech about it.

Surprisingly the two actually had a lot of fun together, they joked around and laughed, instantly becoming friends. [y/n] turned to Kai and looked up seriously at him.

"We definitely have to beat Akashi. He needs to be beaten!" She said.

"We will, he has Aru as a partner. Everyone knows that Aru is actually terrible at science." Kai said with a reassuring smile. [Y/n] smiled in response and got back to her work.

An hour and a half later:

"We should get going now, I'll meet you here again tomorrow?" Kai asked, standing up and putting his paper in his bag.

"Hmm, I'd like to go straight home tomorrow and make a start on the speech, and get it done. Shouldn't you start the model tomorrow too?"

"...true." He said with a chuckle, leaving [y/n] to giggle quietly.

Harsh understandings (Akashi Seijuro X reader angst)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon