Chapter three

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Next day: lunch time:

"[y/n]-saaaaaaan!" [y/n]'s best friend Mie yelled and ran up to her. She was slightly taller than [y/n] and had long maroon hair. "Is it true you're going up against Akashi?" She asks, shaking [y/n]'s now aching arm.

"Yes." [y/n] said blankly, looking at Mie. She was silent for before...

"What?!" She screeched. "Are you stupid?"

"Shhh! And no, he'll loose for sure." [y/n] said with furrowed eyebrows, her [e/c] showing true determination. "Because I refuse to loose."

Mie stood there in complete awe. She blinked twice at [y/n] before her expression softened. "Just be careful okay? You what he's like."

"Yes yes, I'll be careful" [y/n] smiled softly at her friend.

After school: netball courts:

"Ah~ you're then? I thought you would chicken out~" the red haired male said, smirking at [y/n] as she walked in with her the school's netball team.

"And why would you think that?" [y/n] replied bitterly, glancing at his teammates. "I refuse to loose this, you'll taste defeat once again." The [h/c] female said confidently, her head held high.

"Will I now?" Akashi smirked, clearly amused by her behaviour. "Well then shall we start?~"

[y/n] nods her head and the game started...

4 - 4, whoever gets this last point wins. Both sides were putting their all into this game, the crowd began to tense. [Y/n] was panting heavily, her teammates and herself were exhausted. However Akashi's team seemed to be absolutely fine.

'Not good..' [y/n] thought to herself and before she knew it, the ball was passed and Akashi was already on the other side of the court...and now the ball was in the net.
[y/n] had lost.

Akashi looked over at [Y/n] with a smirk. "I told you I would win. I am absolute~"

"Yeah an absolute ass" [Y/n] said, smirking at her own insult.

Akashi frowned slightly. "Did I turn into a donkey during the game or something?"

" sure look like one" [Y/n] muttered walking away, heading home after she had thanked her team for participating.

Time skip: at [y/n]'s home
"Dad I'm home!" A slightly grumpy [y/n] called out.

No reply.

"Dad?" [Y/n] Called out once more, walking into the kitchen. "Dad!" Tears filled the female's eyes as she saw her father on the floor, unresponsive, in a pool of blood. [Y/n] knelt down, checking his pulse to find none. "What happened?" She asks shakily, running over to the phone and dialling the emergency services. "Ambulance please!" She cried.

Hours later: in the hospital.
"Um Miss [last name]? I..I'm sorry but, we can't do anything more..he's gone.." A nurse says nervously, sadness clear in her expression. "He had lost too much blood from his wound and-"

"Y-you don't have to explain." [Y/n] said, tears gracefully slipping down her cheeks. [Y/n] was lost, she had lost everyone in her family, her mother, her grandparents and now her father. Where would she go now?

Authors note:
I'm really sorry for not updating and I know this is short but when I started writing this I was really hooked on Kuroko no basket. But now I'm just not into it, but I'll try my best to keep going!

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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Harsh understandings (Akashi Seijuro X reader angst)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora