"You'r from the future?"

"Yes, I was running from some bad people when I was struck by a spell just as I was about to apperate and I ended up here, buy the black lake."

"Okay, Now explain the name."

"I don't want you to think about me any different. And maybe it isn't so hard to figure out. I have your last name and I'm from the future." It took a few minutes before James understood and his eyes widened.

"Uh... uh... Y-you a-are m-m-m-y da-da-daughter?" James said or more stuttered.

"Yeah... I'm." She said and didn't want to meet his eyes. Charlotte didn't want to see how he reacted to the news.

"Tell me more." James said after five minutes off silence. "Tell me everything about how you ended up here."

"Like I said was my friends and I running from some bad people. We were kind of wanted back there, or my twin was." Her eyes widened and so did James when she mentioned Harry.

"You have a twin?"

"Yes, his name is Harry. They say he look exactly like you but he got our mothers eyes. With me it's the other way around. They say I look exactly like my mother and have your eyes."

When James looked at Charlotte and in to her eyes he could see what they were talking about, she really did have his eyes. He started to study her, he could tell who she looked like but he couldn't get his hope up.

"Who is your mother?" This made Charlotte laugh.

"Who do you think? It's Lily." This made his heart swell. In the future he and Lily would have kids, twins.

"Do you have anymore siblings?"

"No, It's just me and Harry."

James nodded and asked Charlotte to tell her more about her life. So she did, she told him all about Ron and Hermione and how Granger was Hermiones last name. How they were bullied (if you could say that) by Draco Malfoy and his gang and how Hermione had punched him in the face during their third year. She also told him about Neville and how he was her best friend (Ron and Hermione were always more Harrys friends than hers) and how he was Alice and Franks son.

They laugh a lot and talked for hours. The only thing Charlotte didn't tell him about was about him and Lily, that they weren't alive in her time, that she had never met them before.

"So do you know Sirius, Remus and Peter?"

"Yeah, Sirius is my godfather and we had Remus as a teacher during my third year. But Snape told everyone about his "furry little problem" and he had to resign."

"Wait, Snape is a teacher?"

"Yes, he was our potions teacher."

"I feel sorry for you. What did Remus teach?"

"He thought defense against the dark arts. He thought me and Harry a lot that year. It feels really weird to see them in this time."

"I understand that. It has to be weird to see everyone a lot younger."

"It is. But it's nice to finally get to know you and Lily." Charlotte regretted the words just as they left her mouth. This was something she shouldn't tell James. She had told herself that she shouldn't tell him about who was alive and who wasn't.

"What do you mean with get to know me and Lily?" James said with frown on his face.

"Oh, look at the time. I have to go." Charlotte said standing up from the couch trying to play it off. James didn't let it go and before Charlotte walk alway he put his arms around her waist and sat her down on the couch again.

How far I'll go - S.BlackWhere stories live. Discover now